Your Lie in April, also known as Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso, is a series of both manga and anime written by Naoshi Arakawa and published by Kodansha. The story follows Kousei Arima, a fourteen-year-old piano prodigy, and Kaori Miyazono, the violinist who inspires Kousei to rediscover music after he loses the ability to hear his own playing.
In 'Your Lie in April' we feel the power of music, pure love, close friendship and self-growth. Do you like this story? Take this quiz to find out which Your Lie in April character you are the closest to!
Kousei Arima011【Occupation】Student; Pianist【Birthday】March 28 Aries"All I wanted was to make you happy. Even when I wanted to play with Tsubaki and Watari, or when you hit me, I always put up with it and kept practicing. All I wanted was for you to get better! All I wanted was for you to be happy! And yet...I wish you would just die.""Kousei Arima is a third-year student and a former child prodigy in playing piano. His ability to play the piano with unparalleled precision gained him a nickname of a "Human Metronome". Your character is similar to him - Gentle, peaceful and attentive, you often look at problems from a different perspective."//
Kaori Miyazono111【Occupation】Violinist; Student【Birthday】July 4 CancerWhether you’re sad, you’re a mess, or you’ve hit rock bottom, you still have TO PLAY! That’s how people like us survive.Kaori Miyazono is a third-year student - kind, cheerful, free-spirited and a gifted violinist, whose playing style reflected on her wonderful personality. Your character is similar to that of Kaori Miyazono's - you always keep a pure heart like a child and find joy and happiness in simple things.//
Tsubaki Sawabe101【Occupation】Student; Softball player【Birthday】May 19 Taurus"Even though I'm upset that I lost... Even though I'm depressed... Even though my ankle hurts and my eyes are stained with tears. I don't think I've ever felt worse. So why do the stars look so bright tonight? The scent of the music room in his hair. The sound of his slightly ragged breathing. His shoulder, warm and wet with tears. I am by his side. I wish we could live in this moment forever."Tsubaki Sawabe is a third-year student with a very kind, caring and outgoing personality. She's always willing to help out her friends in trouble. You have the same personality as Tsubaki Sawabe - Exuding a positive and optimistic charm, being unafraid of difficulties and obstacles, you always find yourself in the center of attention.//
Ryota Watari110【Occupation】Student【Birthday】April 14 Aries"It's only natural for the girl you're crushing on to be in love with someone else. Since you're in love with her, she sparkles in your eyes."Ryōta Watari is a third-year student and the captain of the football team. He is a smart, outgoing and cheerful boy, making girls swoon for him. Your character is similar to him - You are funny and outgoing, fill your friend's life with joy, but you will also show your courage and resolve when faced with challenges.//
Takeshi Aiza010【Occupation】Student; Pianist【Birthday】March 27 Aries"Heroes are powerful. Heroes are lonely... and they walk off alone in the final scene. He was just like that too."Takeshi Aiza is a third-year student who is honest and straightforward. And he also is one of the best piano players of his generation. Your character is similar to him - Once setting a goal, no matter how big or small, you will go all out and stick to it.//
Emi Igawa001【Occupation】Student; Pianist【Birthday】April 6 Aries"If he has no interest in us, then I’m gonna force him with all my might to look our way. I’ll make him care. Someday… I swear… I’m going to destroy you…"Emi Igawa is a pianist and student who has a cool and mature demeanor, in stark contrast to her temperamental and emotional playing style. You have the same personality as Emi Igawa - You are witty, cautious and always determined to get the work done.//
Hiroko Seto000【Occupation】Pianist; Piano Mentor【Birthday】Unknown"When you say you 'can't hear the sound', doesn't it really mean you 'aren't restrained by the sound'? Rather than the sound you hear with your ears, an image inside you is boiling up from the depths of yourself and taking over without you even knowing. The sound inside, the landscape of your heart, your wishes, a sound loaded with your thoughts, didn't you feel it even for a moment? Not being able to hear the sound - that is a gift."Hiroko Seto is a renowned pianist who is upbeat, caring and exuberant on the outside. However, she is a warm-hearted and sensitive person. You share personality traits with her. You always show a robust shell to others, but on the inside you are caring, reliable and steady. You are very reliable and trustworthy for your friends.//
Nagi Aiza100【Occupation】Student; Pianist【Birthday】February 13 Aquarius“I hate incompetent people!”Nagi Aiza is a student who is somewhat childish and hard-headed. She is the piano student of Kōsuke Oka. There are similarities between you two; you are smart and always pick up the intentions of others. This makes you a really good team player and judge of character.//