Toy Story is a film series produced by the cooperation of Walt Disney Pictures and Pixar Animation Studio. The story began with two toys, Woody and Buzz Lightyear who fought for the love of their owner. After they fell from the window and overcame dangers, they became good friends and a dynamic duo.
As Andy the toy owner was growing up, the toys experienced one adventure after another and developed strong bonds in the process. Woody, Buzz Lightyear, Jessie, Slinky Dog, Mr. Potato Head, Barbie... Which Toy Story character are you? Come and find out!
Woody111Reach for the sky!Sheriff WoodyToy CowboyWoody, Andy’s favorite toy, was a classic cowboy rag doll. He was very popular during the 1950s when the “Woody Roundup” was on TV. The faithful Woody strongly held on to his beliefs. He was righteous, smart, and kind. He was faithful to his friends just like he was to his owner, willing to risk his own life to save his friends over and over again.Your personality resembles Woody’s. You are courageous and clever. You steadfastly uphold your principles, champion justice, approach work with seriousness, and ensure everything is in its proper place. If others don’t cross you, you won’t interfere with them. But if anyone oversteps your boundaries, you aren’t afraid to push back.
Buzz Lightyear110To infinity and beyond!Mr. LightyearSpaceman Action FigureBuzz Lightyear was a superhero toy with laser guns, karate moves, and dynamic wings all in one. As Andy’s new toy, Buzz initially believed he was a real space ranger. Although Woody was jealous of Buzz at first, they eventually became good friends. Buzz aspired to be Andy’s favorite toy, just like Woody. Through their battles of wits, Buzz showed impressive growth.Your personality shares similarities with Buzz Lightyear’s. You typically don’t make decisions without considering suggestions from all perspectives. As a result, you’re less prone to distractions or losing focus. Your resilience, composure, and self-sufficiency serve as catalysts for your growth and development.
Mr. Potato Head011Hey, look, I’m Picasso!Potato, One-Eyed BartToy Potato HeadMr. Potato Head was a toy that could reassemble his limbs and facial features to create new, interesting appearances. He was a wisecracking, hot-headed, cynical-looking person. His hard, plastic shell made him eternally pessimistic, but his love towards Mrs. Potato revealed his soft side.Your personality mirrors Mr. Potato Head’s. You are versatile, open-minded, and a true original. You are both sensitive and creative, consistently offering a unique take on various topics, whether they concern knowledge, artistic viewpoints, or life perspectives.
Slinky Dog100Golly bob-howdy!SlinkToy DogSlinky Dog was a wooden toy dog. He was cheerful and naughty. Much like a real dog, he’d bark at things he disliked and would hide when scared. He was very loyal to Woody, and was usually the first to support him. He was willing to sacrifice everything for friends.You resemble Slinky Dog in terms of personality. A genuine smile is often present on your face. You exude kindness and can’t bear to see others in pain. Loyalty is paramount to you, and you consistently display faithfulness and courtesy to friends, family, and even acquaintances like coworkers and classmates.
Rex000I don’t wanna be a 'fraidy cat.GodzillaToy DinosaurRex was a green plastic dinosaur toy. He may have appeared to be the scariest toy in the collection, but was actually one of the cutest and friendliest toys. Although he often expressed his fears or showed cowardice, he found happiness and enjoyment in most things in life. One of his favorite hobbies was playing video games with his friends.Your demeanor aligns closely with Rex. You readily share your genuine and warm heart with those around you, and despite the occasional pain it may bring, your spirit remains untarnished. You view love as both sacred and beautiful, journeying through life with a pure, childlike heart that serves as a beacon for others.
Jessie101Yee-haw! Giddy-up, partner! We got to get this wagon train a-movin'!Jessie the Yodeling Cowgirl, Jessica Jane PrideToy CowgirlJessie was a vintage pull string cowgirl toy from the 1950s. She was helpful, enthusiastic, and gentle. She liked Buzz Lightyear. Due to her past experience, Jessie had always worried that she would be abandoned. She strongly believed that every toy could control its own fate. This perspective caused conflict between her and Woody. After Woody convinced her otherwise, she changed her views and completed the mission of the toys together with Woody and Buzz Lightyear.In many ways, your personality parallels Jessie’s. When others face challenges, you’re the first to step up; however, when adversity strikes you, you rely on your own strength to persevere. This stems from your resilient, compassionate, and affectionate nature. Those in your life are fortunate to count you as a friend.
Bullseye001Heeeeeee...The Sharpest Horse in the WestToy HorseAs a pet horse, Bullseye was much like a dog: passionate, cheerful, and kind. He shared friendships, companionships, and adventures with his friends. Although Bullseye couldn’t speak, he ran like the wind, especially with Woody on him.You share numerous traits with the endearing Bullseye. While you shy away from the spotlight, you cherish a close-knit circle of friends. Highly attuned to others' words, actions, and even subtle gestures, you excel at reading people. Yet, at times, this sensitivity leads you to overanalyze, causing unnecessary worry about others' perceptions of you.
Sarge010Alright, men! Move, move, move!Sergeant; CaptainToy Soldier, ScoutSarge was the captain of the little green soldiers. Despite being attached to plastic bases, making them seem inefficient, they never let it hinder them. They were the epitome of teamwork and determination, always ready to help Woody with shouts of "Go! Go! Go!"Much like the soldiers' unwavering principle, "leave no one behind," your schedule is meticulously organized. Because of your steady and practical nature, you think with the clarity and precision of an expert. Whether studying or working, you approach tasks with a serious and meticulous mindset.