RWBY, also translated as The War of the Four Colors, is an American-made anime first broadcast in July 2013. Set in a supernatural world, four girls with superpowers form a team to fight against the forces of evil. The initials R, W, B, Y stand for Red, White, Black, and Yellow and represent the themes of the four main female characters.
A young, natural heroine; an educated heiress who is cold on the outside and warm on the inside; a calm and intelligent Faunus; a hot-blooded and optimistic “tomboy”......which RWBY character are you? Come find out!
Ruby Rose11011【Weapon】Crescent RoseLeader of Team RWBYRuby Rose, also called Little Red, gets her name from the ruby jewel. She feels happy when she helps others, is curious and cheerful, and dares to try all manner of new, bold things. She wants to become a Huntress and is a weapons enthusiast.Your personality is like Ruby Rose. You often show the brave, strong, and independent side of yourself, and your self-regulation and adaptability skills outperform others. Regardless of time or place, you are always able to bravely march forward and persist in completing the whole objective.//
Weiss Schnee00111【Weapon】MyrtenasterMember of Team RWBY; heiress of the Schnee Dust CompanyWeiss Schnee, also called Snowflake, is based on the character of Snow White. Although she was completely serious when she first appeared, she is quite willful and headstrong. She likes associating with skilled people and has a “spoilt” and bratty personality, but she is gradually changing at Beacon Academy. She studies diligently and claims that she chose to become a Huntress because of “her duty to protect the glory of the Schnee family heritage”. She studied fencing to such a high degree that she is worthy of being called a master of the sport.You have a touch of Weiss Schnee in you. You have great organisation and management skills and are adept at examining yourself and making adjustments right away. You are good at using all the resources you have to hand, and so can improve yourself and change the current situation. You constantly take big steps towards success.//
Blake Belladonna01111【Weapon】Gambol ShroudMember of Team RWBY; (former) member of White FangBlake Belladonna is based on the character of Belle from Beauty and the Beast. Her name originates from the Old English word for “black” and the common English name of belladonna. She wears a ribbon with a bow to cover up her purple cat ears, which she basically never unties. She is quiet and uncommunicative, honest and intelligent, and has a beautiful but cold disposition. She has a few bad habits common to cats, such as really liking fish dishes and being very afraid of dogs.In terms of personality, you are similar to Blake Belladonna. You are a sharp thinker and have exceptional insight. You are skilled at looking through outward appearances and seeing the essence of things and understanding how they work. This also allows you to handle tasks that other people consider impossible to complete. You demonstrate extraordinary talent at work and in your studies.//
Yang Xiao Long10101【Weapon】Ember CelicaMember of Team RWBYYang Xiao Long's name is adapted from Li Xiao Long and comes from the Chinese character for “sun” (yang). She is hot-blooded, unruly, and blunt. For her friends, she can act without regard to her own safety, and she calls herself “a person who seeks stimulation”. She dreams of “travelling the world and being in the middle of a bunch of crazy adventures”, but expresses that if she can help others while on her journey, then that would be a win-win situation, which would be much better.Your personality is similar in some places to Yang Xiao Long. You have a lot more determination and stamina than ordinary people and powerful spirituality. What's even more commendable is that you're not a boorish person who acts rashly, instead, you're a true warrior who can stick to your own bottom line, and who isn't afraid to challenge authority.//
Jaune Arc10011【Weapon】Crocea MorsLeader of Team JNPRJaune Arc's name and inspiration for the character comes from Jeanne d'Arc. He is a team leader, skilled at military command, and entered Beacon Academy via unfair means. As he never received any official training, his fighting skills are especially awkward. As a result of Pyrrha's tireless training, Jaune's fighting skills improved day by day.Your personality is similar to Jaune Arc. For others, the harder things get and the worse a situation gets, the more likely their mood will be affected negatively. However, for you, the harder it is to complete a task, the more competitive you feel and the greater your desire to triumph is.//
Nora Valkyrie11101【Weapon】MagnhildMember of Team JNPRNora Valkyrie's character is based on the Norse God Thor. Her name means “without family” in Japanese and her surname originates from valkyries in Northern European mythology. She is lively, kind-hearted, and positive, and regardless of whether in ordinary life or in battle, she always shows a magnificent smile. However, she is also skilled at watching people closely and becomes appropriately serious in situations that call for it.You have a touch of Nora Valkyrie in you. You rarely seem to run out of energy, and in other people's eyes, you always show a positive, free, and unrestrained side of yourself. You are completely enthusiastic about your goals and are brave and resolute. Furthermore, you never stop trying and improving.//
Pyrrha Nikos11111【Weapon】Miló & Akoúo̱Member of Team JNPR; Fall MaidenPyrrha Nikos' character is based on Achilles and her name originates from the Ancient Greek for “flame-colored” and the Greek God Nike. Before she entered Beacon Academy, she was well-known as she is both beautiful and talented. Her fighting style shows that she is good at close-quarters combat, mid-range combat, long-range combat, and that she focuses on single attacks and defense. She is witty, funny, capable, experienced, and gets pleasure from helping people. She was only 17 years old when she died.Your personality is similar to Pyrrha Nikos. You have an unstoppable enthusiasm for pursuing life experiences and you are kind-hearted, bold, and devoted to your own heart and dreams. You are generous and friendly towards others, and are always willing to lend a helping hand.//
Lie Ren01001【Weapon】Storm FlowerMember of Team JNPRLie Ren's character is based on Hua Mulan and his name originates from the Chinese Pinyin for “hunter”. He is skilled at unarmed combat and using his strength. As a child, he was cowardly and innocent but became calm, sharp, dependable, and unbiased as an adult. Nora calls him “the perfect student”, however, he becomes angry and irrational when faced with his enemy.Your personality is similar in places to Lie Ren. You are modest and determined, and you can listen to other people's opinions while having your own way of managing things. At critical moments, you always show enough bravery when facing unknown difficulties.//
Ozpin/Ozma01011【Weapon】The Long MemoryHeadmaster of Beacon AcademyOzpin/Ozma, also translated as Oz, is the headmaster of Beacon Academy. He is also a member of a secret organization that protects the many secrets of the Remnant world and fights against Salem and her evil plans. He once expressed that he has done more wrongs than anyone else in the world. In fact, he is actually an amalgamation of people who have made it their mission to protect the world.Your personality is similar to Ozpin/Ozma. You seem as if you wear a suit of armor and choose to maintain distance from others and hide your emotions. You prefer to solve problems by yourself and think independently, and there is a place in your heart that no one is allowed to step into.//
Glynda Goodwitch00011【Weapon】The DisciplinarianHeadmistress of Beacon Academy; HuntressGlynda Goodwitch's name is a variant of “Glinda”, the Good Witch of the South from The Wizard of Oz. She has a head of blonde hair, emerald green eyes, and wears glasses and green-jewelled earrings. She is strict, serious, and rational. She is thought of as Headmaster Ozpin's most capable assistant who respects his every decision and trusts him completely.You have a touch of Glynda Goodwitch in you. You rarely tell others about your grand and imposing dreams. Instead, you prefer to keep your dreams in your heart and a secret from others, working towards them quietly and humbly.//
Qrow Branwen00101【Weapon】HarbingerTeacher at Beacon Academy; Hunter; member of STRQ and Ozpin's secret brotherhoodQrow (pronounced “Crow”) Branwen's surname is Welsh and means “fair raven”. He has a head of greying black and spiky hair. He always has a flask of wine with him and often gets blind drunk. He seems cold and detached on the outside, but he is actually candid, spirited, and unbothered by trivial things.Your personality is similar to Qrow Branwen. You are perceptive, determined, love to think about things carefully and often rationally control your actions. You aren't interested in other people's gossip and won't get lost in admiration. Therefore, on the path to success, you are a determined person who does not hesitate.//
Sun Wukong10001【Weapon】Jingu bang & Ruyi bangFaunus from the Kingdom of Vacuo; leader of Team SSSNSun Wukong's character is based on Sun Wukong from Journey to the West. He is skilful, agile, strong, and has high stamina. He wears an open white shirt and jeans as he dislikes formal wear and hates feeling restricted. He doesn't pay too much attention to regulations or the status quo in society. He is bold and rough, yet sometimes sharp and careful. The group he leads, SSSN, is very popular, and he himself is loved everywhere he goes.Your personality is similar in some aspects to Sun Wukong. You love to be free and seek the extraordinary, and you have a life full of joy. You are incredibly curious and wish to explore, and are easily attracted to new, trendy things. It can also be said that you don't care one bit about the judgements and opinions of others.//