Kill Bill is a movie series directed by Quentin Tarantino and co-starring Uma Thurman, Lucy Liu, and Shin'ichi Chiba (Sonny Chiba). The film centers on a female member of an assassination group, The Bride, and tells her revenge story after her ex-boss and group members try to assassinate her at a chapel.
Do you like this all-in-one action, crime, and thriller movie series? Do you want to know which of the characters, with their distinct personalities, martial arts skills, and positions, you are most like? Take our quiz!
The Bride/Beatrix Kiddo0111【Actor】Uma ThurmanFormer member of the Deadly Viper Assassination SquadThe Bride/Beatrix Kiddo was originally a quick-witted assassin who is proficient in many weapons and languages. After she became pregnant, she decided to leave her assassination career. However, her former boss and group members attempted to assassinate her at a chapel. She was shot in the head and fell into a coma for four years. After waking up, she embarks on her journey of revenge.Your personality is similar to “The Bride”. You are always able to analyse your surroundings and the character and potential of people around you as if you were an objective bystander. Therefore, no matter whether in your relationships, work, or study, you can always find your position.//
Bill0101【Actor】David CarradineHead of the Deadly Viper Assassination SquadBill, codenamed Snake Charmer, is the former head of the Deadly Viper Assassination Squad. As a super-assassin, he had incredible fighting skills, was mysterious, self-disciplined, and elusive. He was Black Mamba's former lover and final target and in their fierce final fight, he died as a result of Black Mamba's palm strike.Like Bill, you have a constant internal struggle. This might be because of the difference between reality and your ideal, or because of conflict between your family's expectations and your own expectations. You are always hesitant and torn in your thinking, trying to find balance.//
Budd1001【Actor】Michael MadsenFormer member of the Deadly Viper Assassination Squad; bodyguardBudd, codenamed Sidewinder, is Bill's younger brother. He understands tactics and strategies well, is a sharpshooter, used to be Bill's bodyguard, and lives in a trailer. In a battle against Black Mamba, he seriously wounds her with a shotgun. In the end, he is poisoned by Elle who uses a poisonous snake to kill him.Your personality is like Budd. Your life is always comfortable and free, and you prefer to wait rather than insist or force someone. Sometimes, you isolate yourself so that you can't be influenced by anything or anyone.//
O-Ren Ishii0011【Actor】Lucy LiuFormer member of the Deadly Viper Assassination Squad; female head of the YakuzaO-Ren Ishii, codenamed Cottonmouth, was born in an American military base in Tokyo. She later became the head of a Tokyo criminal organisation. She had a happy and carefree childhood until she was nine when she witnessed her parents' murder. After that, she became closed off and cold. During their duel in a Japanese garden, O-Ren is defeated and killed by Beatrix Kiddo.Your personality is like O-Ren Ishii. You aren't frivolous and you don't like the limelight. You also won't waste your energy on flamboyant boasting. You know your place and your capabilities, which is why you are more confident about your future development than others.//
Elle Driver1111【Actor】Daryl HannahFormer member of the Deadly Viper Assassination Squad.Elle Driver, codenamed California Mountain Snake, is the backbone of Bill's Assassination Squad and has a blindfold over her right eye. Adept at using poison, cruel, and well appreciated by Bill, she is Bill's lover. Her fighting style is very similar to The Bride's, as they both use quick, direct attacks. In the final, decisive battle between her and Black Mamba, she is defeated.You are like Elle Driver. You aren't willing to do things that you don't like, even if society values and praises them highly. This is because you are free-spirited and rebellious by nature. You prefer to work in a profession that you like and in which you can feel the value of life.//
Vernita Green1011【Actor】Vivica A. FoxFormer member of the Deadly Viper Assassination SquadVernita Green, codenamed Copperhead, has a daughter and became a housewife after retiring from the Assassination Squad. She became one of Beatrix Kiddo's targets after she killed all the people that attended Beatrix's wedding rehearsal. Bill once praised her as the best woman ever seen in armed combat.You have a touch of Vernita Green in you. You know what you need to do and how to do it. You have great confidence in the value of your work, you know your potential well, and you dare to break the rules.//
Bai Mei0001【Actor】Gordon LiuKung Fu Master; teacherBai Mei is a martial artist who is hundreds of years old. His kung fu is unpredictable and he lives in an area that is completely isolated from modern society. He was once Bill, Elle Driver, and Beatrix Kiddo's teacher. He was harsh, domineering, and open-minded as a teacher, but when he saw Beatrix Kiddo's tenacity during her training, he cared for her.Your temperament is like Bai Mei. For you, self-degradation is something you cannot stand. You are self-disciplined, restrained, and self-reflective, and you can find inner peace in the murky vat of society.//
Hattori Hanzō1101【Actor】Sonny ChibaSushi restaurant owner; master swordsman; swordsmithHattori Hanzō runs a sushi restaurant in Okinawa with his brother. He was once a master swordsmith but hadn't made a sword in the past 25 years. After Beatrix Kiddo asked him to make a sword for her, he understood her reasons and broke his fast of swordsmithing, spending a month to make her what he considers his finest katana.You have a touch of Hattori Hanzō in you. You were born with a strong sense of perception so no matter whether it's the joys, sorrows, troubles, or frustrations of others, you are always able to be deeply empathetic. You comfort people's souls and give them reasonable and practical suggestions, and so you are a worthy mentor to your friends and family.//