“Reborn!” is a Japanese manga created by author Akira Amano. The manga revolves around Tsunayoshi “No-Good Tsuna” Sawada, a young boy who lacks potential and is quick to give up on everything, whether studying or exercising. The story follows Tsunayoshi as he begins his training to become a suitable mafia boss...
Out of the many different characters, which one will you match best with? Let's find out!
Hayato Gokudera1011Storm guardian of the Vongola FamilyBirthday: September 9th, Virgo, Blood Type: BHayato is hot-headed, boasts that “all older people are enemies”, will get into fights with anyone he doesn't like, and often is the cause of the trouble. He gets into fights with Ryohei Sasagawa frequently over trivial matters, particularly when Ryohei picks on his hairstyle with the phrase “octopus head”.When compared to your peers, you appear calm and introverted. Even during times of confusion, you can easily control yourself, reflect on your actions, and make careful decisions regarding the future.//areal.me/which-katekyo-hitman-reborn-character-are-you/show/1.png
Sawada Tsunayoshi0100Descendant of the first generation boss of the Vongola FamilyBirthday: October 14th, Libra, Blood Type: AAt the beginning, Tsunayoshi had a fearful and cowardly personality, but grew into his brave and righteous personality as the story progressed. Even the ninth generation boss of Vongola, who originally had a kind personality, a dislike of conflict and is said to be the most moderate of all generations of Vongola bosses, describes him as “unsuitable as a mafia boss”. Mukuro Rokudo often described him as someone whose “kindness is deadly”.You are an energetic person with the courage to persue your goals. You have a docile personality and an emphasis on efficiency. With your mental strength, you can easily become a person who can take on important responsibilities.//areal.me/which-katekyo-hitman-reborn-character-are-you/show/2.png
Kyoya Hibari0110Guardian of the Vongola FamilyBirthday: May 5th, TaurusWith a dislike of restraints and working in a group, any people who disagree or “herbivores” that crowd around him are beaten with tonfas. He has not only Namimori Junior High School under his thumb, but also the hospital. During the summer festivals, he collects the fees for stalls, and as the strongest, inspires awe as a frightful member of the discipline committee.Your wise and clear head allows you to evaluate yourself correctly, know which direction to head in, and see your worth from various angles.//areal.me/which-katekyo-hitman-reborn-character-are-you/show/3.png
Takeshi Yamamoto1010Guardian of the Vongola FamilyBirthday: April 24th, Taurus, Blood Type: OKind and big-hearted, with a easy-going and fair disposition, Takeshi has a constant smile. On the other side of his carefree behaviour, he can take away some of the danger in a crisis, and hates to lose. He is also extremely popular, and is considered a hero in class.You have persistent motivation. Even if life is filled with challenges, you do your absolute best to overcome every single one of them. Even if life isn't relaxing, you wouldn't complain.//areal.me/which-katekyo-hitman-reborn-character-are-you/show/4.png
Mukuro Rokudo0001Guardian of the Vongola FamilyBirthday: June 9th, GeminiHis favourite saying is “Kufufu” or “Kuhahaha”. With mismatched eyes - the right red, the left blue - the character “six” is engraved into his right eye. He carries a three-pronged trident as a weapon. Early on in life, he was used as a subject of human experientation, and holds resentment towards the mafia because of the experience.Fitting in with your surroundings will probably be the most difficult thing for you. With a non-conforming personality, you express a free and “this is me” attitude.//areal.me/which-katekyo-hitman-reborn-character-are-you/show/5.png
Reborn0011An assassin known for his great skillBirthday: October 13th, LibraHis main job is a hitman known for his great skill. On top of that, he is known to be the tutor of unreliable future boss canditates. At least eight years before the story, he was Dino's tutor. After that, he recieved a request from Vongola Nono - the ninth generation boss - to go to Japan and train Tsunayoshi Sawada as a suitable canditate to become the tenth generation boss. Moreover, he made a vow to Vongola Nono, that he will “keep out of the student's games”. He scolds Dino and Tuna for fighting during important situations, and his speeches encourage decisions and resolutions.In difficult times of confrontation, you express an unbreakable resolve that ordinary people never have. Even when faced with incredible pain, or when you have no choice but to give up, you fight with a determination and patience that shows you would rather die than yield.//areal.me/which-katekyo-hitman-reborn-character-are-you/show/6.png
Dino111010th Generation BossBirthday: February 4th, Aquarius, Blood Type: OBecause he was tutored by Reborn, he loves Sawada Tsunayoshi (Tuna) like a little brother. With a personality that means he can't refuse when asked, there are times when he is used by Reborn in a manner of speaking. He is an important character within the story, who seems to travel often between Italy and Japan. His subordinate expressed dissatisfaction with him deep down (in his case, probably because he admires him).You are good at growing from your mistakes, and avoiding danger.//areal.me/which-katekyo-hitman-reborn-character-are-you/show/7.png
Xanxus0010Leader of the special assassination unit, VariaBirthday: October 10th, Libra, Blood Type: OBorn in the slums, he was taken in and raised by the ninth generation Vongola Boss at the suggestion of his mother, who was plagued by delusions after seeing his Flame of Wrath. He grew up with the personality of the previous boss, and despaired to learn that they were not actually related.You are an adventurer at heart, and seek special and rare experiences. You will probably be disappointed and dissatisfied by doing a normal job. The real pleasure in life, for you, is continuous persuit.//areal.me/which-katekyo-hitman-reborn-character-are-you/show/8.png
Fran1001Newest member of the assassination unit, VariaBirthday: June 6th, GeminiUsing a consistently prolonged way of speaking, he is a character with a wicked tongue, who, even when poisoned will continue to throw insults. In the anime, he speaks in a monotone voice with the intent to prevent his emotions being read. Even as a character who debuted in the middle of the anime, he has a strong personality.While a constant calm attitude and sympathy for others, you are rarely bothered by trivial matters, and never get angry at other's mistakes.//areal.me/which-katekyo-hitman-reborn-character-are-you/show/9.png
Lambo1100Afiliate of the Bovino FamilyBirthday: May 28th, Gemini, Blood Type: AWith a predisposition that makes it easy for him to conduct electricity, the cow horns attached to his head are a weapon that can store and release thunder and lightening. They are removable, but make a clicking sound when attaching. Various weapons such as bazookas and grenaders are concealed inside his afro, but due to his stupidity, their effect in practicality is limited, and are mainly used as an explosive punchline.You have the mind of a child, and generally are curious about people and things around you. It is not widely understood, but you choose carefully based on your interests, and have a peculiar insight into things.//areal.me/which-katekyo-hitman-reborn-character-are-you/show/10.png
Belphegor0111Leading member of the “Varia”, a special assassination squad of the Volgola FamilyBirthday: December 22nd, Sagittarius, Blood Type: ABHis eyes are concealed by his bands, but Lussuria has stated that they are “cool and refined”. Bel often fights with Mammon due to their competitive spirit, but can often be seen walking arm-in-arm with him in various places in the main story, posters, or front covers. Even as Bel's chaperone, they often go out to eat sushi together, as well as other activities.You are not an egoist, nor are you the type to seek fame or wealth. You have great insight into other people's personalities, and can identify flattery and malcicious people in a single glance.//areal.me/which-katekyo-hitman-reborn-character-are-you/show/11.png
Superbia Squalo1111Second-in-command of the “Varia”, a special assassination squad of the Vongola FamilyBirthday: March 13th, Pisces, Blood Type: OAs a young boy, he dueled against many swordsmen in order to master the sword. At the age of 14, he was scouted by Varia's boss at the time, the Sword Emperor, Tyr. As a condition for joining Varia, Squalo requested a duel against Tyr. At the end of a two day struggle, he defeated Tyr and became a candidate for the next boss of Varia. In an attempt to better understand Tyr - who has no left hand - Squalo also cut off his left hand, replacing it with a prosthetic.You have a dedicated heart, and the ability to dedicate yourself to your goals without distraction. To you, taking the time to do everything perfectly is of the upmost importance, so you struggle getting things done in a hurry under the prompting of others.//areal.me/which-katekyo-hitman-reborn-character-are-you/show/12.png