Inuyasha is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Rumiko Takahashi. The series begins with a fifteen-year-old girl Kagome Higurashi. After falling into a well in her family shrine, she is transported to the Sengoku period's era, where she meets the half-dog demon, half-human Inuyasha. The story follows their journey to restore the Shikon Jewel before it falls into the hands of the evil half-demon Naraku.
Have you ever wondered which character you would be in the Inuyasha universe and what your background story would be? Would you be the lecherous monk Miroku, the demon slayer Sango, the fox demon Shippo or some other character? Take this quiz to find out!
Inuyasha1010【Age】15 (physical appearance)Family/Team: Sesshōmaru, Tōga, Izayoi, Kagome Higurashi, etc.Should something terrible be caused again by the Shikon Jewel, whatever it may be, I shall cut it down with my own hands.Inuyasha is the half-demon son of a great demon father, known as the Inu no Taishō, and a human mother named Izayoi. He is kind and brave. Even when his life was in danger, Inuyasha refused to back down. Your character is similar to him - You both are hardworking and focused on work and make decisions quickly and confidently; however, you often appear naive in front of your family and friends.//
Kagome Higurashi1110【Age】14 → 19Family/Team: Grandpa Higurashi, Grandma Higurashi, Mr. Higurashi, Sōta Higurashi, Inuyasha, etc.I am Kagome! I'm not anyone else!"Kagome Higurashi is the modern-day reincarnation of the feudal era miko, Kikyō. She has a pure and gentle heart and is never afraid to voice her mind about "right" and what is "wrong." Much like her, you have a “magic” effect that makes people like you. Like a warm sun, you have a kind and innocent heart."//
Miroku1011【Age】18 → 22Family/Team: Miyatsu, Unnamed father, Sango, Kohaku, etc.I go by the name Miroku, and yes I am a monk who works to aid the common man.Miroku is a hōshi who has a brave and sympathetic personality. His paternal grandfather was cursed fifty years ago by Naraku, leading to the creation of the Kazaana, destined to be passed down to all of his male descendants, including Miroku himself. Your personality is similar to that of Miroku - You are focused and smart, you are able to shine in your field of expertise. Moreover, you have a lot of energy and a creative mind.//
Sango0000【Age】 16→ 20Family/Team: Kohaku, Miroku, Kirara, Kagome Higurashi, etc.Kohaku, don't be afraid!Sango is a teenage female demon slayer. Being independent and tough by nature, she did not like people helping her. For her loves ones, she is loyal and dedicated; for family and friends, she always does her best to protect them. Much like her, you are understanding and generous, always ready to sacrifice yourself for your family and friends.//
Sesshōmaru0111【Age】 19 (In human years)Family/Team: Tōga, Inuyasha, Jaken, Rin, etc.I seek nothing more than to battle the most powerful beings alive, which excludes the lowly likes of you.Sesshōmaru is a powerful Inu Daiyōkai who is aloof and indifferent. He had no interest in possessing even a single shard of the Shikon no Tama to enhance his powers and considered yōkai who sought its abilities only to strengthen themselves as pathetic and weak. You are much like him - you are very ambitious and are good at noticing different things around you. You also are very determined to improve yourself.//
Rin1101【Age】 8→ 11Family/Team: Sesshōmaru, A-Un, Jaken, Kohaku, etc.Lord Sesshōmaru, are you going to come rescue me...?Rin is an orphaned human girl who is straightforward and innocent. Since being revived by Sesshōmaru's Tenseiga, she has always appeared to be happy. Much like her, you are friendly and chatty. You are also very compassionate towards others.//
Kikyō0101【Age】 17→ 18Family/Team: Kaede, Inuyasha, Kohaku, etc.No matter how much I desire to do good and help others, the truth is I live off the souls of the dead. Pure is impure. Impure is pure. Good is evil. Evil is good. Or is it?Kikyō was a shrine priestess responsible for purifying the Shikon Jewel and was the former lover of Inuyasha. She was known as a compassionate, caring and considerate woman before her death. Much like her, you are direct, honest, focused and hardworking at work. In your relationships, you are very kind and accommodating.//
Kohaku0011【Age】 11→14Family/Team: Sango, Shako, Kikyō, Sesshōmaru, Rin, etc.Sister, is it too late?Kohaku is Sango's younger brother with a humble and kindhearted personality. After Naraku controlled his mind, his greatest desire is to face his father and comrades in the afterlife with an apology and be forgiven. You are very much like him - You are tenacious, serious, strict with yourself and career-minded. You are very determined to get things done properly and rarely back out of a challenge.//
Kagura0010【Age】 17Family/Team: Kanna, Goshinki, Naraku, etc.I am the wind. One day, I shall be free!"Kagura was a wind sorceress who is mostly shown as inhospitable, calculating and shrewd. Though Naraku's second incarnation, Kagura wants to be as "free as the wind." You share personality traits with her - both of you like independence and the ability to do things your way."//
Kōga1000【Age】 15 (in human years)Family/Team: Ginta, Hakkaku, Ayame, etc.Hear this! Why do you think I need the Goraishi? To avenge the wolf-folk slaughtered by an enemy! You honestly think I'd allow more of our tribesmen to die just for that? Go to hell!Kōga is the young leader of the eastern yōkai-wolf tribe, who is almost always completely straightforward. Much like an actual wolf is, he acts mostly on his instincts. There are similarities between you two; you are brave, have a sense of justice, have leadership charisma and are always prepared for a fight to defend what you think is right.//