
《哈利·波特》(Harry Potter)是英国作家J·K·罗琳创作的魔幻文学系列小说,共7部,在超过两百个国家出版。后被美国华纳兄弟娱乐公司改编为8部电影,整个电影系列是全球史上最卖座的电影系列。《哈利·波特》的故事设定在一个充满奇幻色彩的魔法世界里,围绕着年轻的巫师哈利·波特,讲述了他在霍格沃茨魔法学校的日常生活与惊心动魄的冒险,以及对抗黑魔王伏地魔的故事。



  1. Yisi Sang, Xiangyang Mou, Mo Yu, Dakuo Wang, Jing Li, Jeffrey Stanton (2022) MBTI Personality Prediction for Fictional Characters Using Movie Scripts.
  2. R. McCrae, P. Costa (1989) Reinterpreting the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator from the perspective of the five-factor model of personality.. Journal of personality
  3. Dwayne Denzel DC. Hipolito, R. D. Leon, Joiz Nicole V. Dela Cruz, Mikaela Loraine D. Galvez, Zyrille Anne B. Nicolas, Vanna Rikaella S. Supan, Martinez Teodoro (2023) Person Ability: The MBTI Personality Types and its Relationship with the Academic Performance of Grade 12 Students in Dr. Yanga’s Colleges, Inc.. International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science
  4. Carel M. Wolk, Loren A. Nikolai (1997) Personality types of accounting students and faculty: comparisons and implications. Journal of Accounting Education
  5. P. Rosati (1993) Student retention from first-year engineering related to personality type. Proceedings of IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference - FIE '93

