Siapakah karakter Genshin Impact yang cocok buat anda?
Genshin Impact adalah game petualangan role-playing open-world, yang dikembangkan dan diproduksi oleh perusahaan miHoYo yang berbasis di Shanghai. Di tanah Teyvat, bermainlah sebagai traveler dan temuilah teman-teman anda dengan keunikan dan keterampilan yang berbeda-beda — bersama-sama, mulailah perjalanan untuk bersatu kembali dengan saudara anda yang hilang, dan mengungkap kebenaran 'Genshin'.
Identitas, Afiliasi, Penampilan, Talenta, Skill, dan Cerita Karakter — setiap karakter Genshin Impact sangatlah unik. Jika anda memasuki dunia yang indah ini, siapakah karakter Genshin Impact yang cocok dengan anda? Cari tahulah jawabannya melalui tes ini!
Zhongli0200Vago MundoUlang tahun31 DesemberZodiakCapricornAfiliasiLiyueGnosisGeoConstellationLapis DeiOh, dana pribadi? Hmm, sepertinya ini ide yang bagus... Sayang sekali aku tidak memikirkannya saat itu.Zhongli, seorang ahli misterius yang dikontrak oleh Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. Meskipun asal-usulnya tidak diketahui, ia memiliki pengetahuan tentang etika dan adat istiadat, mahir dalam pakaian, aspek kuliner, teh, rempah-rempah, dan banyak lagi. Dia juga memiliki keahlian luar biasa dalam perdagangan, dan bahkan dalam topik politik ketujuh negara. Anda dan Zhongli memiliki kepribadian yang sama: tenang, dapat menguasai diri, santun, dan akan sulit membedakan emosi anda. Anda hanya mengambil tindakan setelah memikirkannya matang-matang tentang masalah yang dihadapi, dan karena alasan inilah anda sering berhasil.F4C576//
Klee2112Fleeing SunlightUlang tahun27 JuliZodiakLeoAfiliasiKnights of FavoniusVisionPyroConstellationTrifoliumKlee masih mau keluar dan bermain! Bawa aku keluar dan bermain!Klee, Ksatria dari Favonius 'Pejuang Terkuat', memiliki cinta yang murni dan rasa ingin tahu tentang dunia luar. Meskipun dia adalah anak yang lucu dan lincah, dengan bom menjadi mainan favoritnya serta bakatnya yang luar biasa dalam meledakkan sesuatu, kemampuannya tidak boleh diremehkan. Anda dan Klee memiliki kepribadian yang sama: cerah, ceria dan optimis, serta percaya pada kebaikan dunia. Anda gemar mengeksplorasi hal-hal baru, dengan mengejar mimpi dan kebebasan.B53613//
Raiden Shogun0211Plane of EuthymiaUlang tahun26 JuniZodiakCancerAfiliasiInazuma CityGnosisElectroConstellationImperatrix UmbrosaHanya melalui keabadian sajalah anda akan menjadi dekat dengan Prinsip Surgawi.Raiden Shogun, juga dikenal sebagai Ei, adalah adik perempuan dan Kagemusha dari Electro Archon pertama, Makoto. Dia telah datang jauh-jauh dari masa lalu, menyaksikan harga mahal yang telah dibayar Inazuma hingga hari ini. Anda dan Ei memiliki kepribadian yang sama, anda lebih tenang dan bijaksana daripada rekan-rekan anda, sangat bertanggung jawab dan bijaksana sehingga membuat anda terlihat lebih dewasa dan tegas, membuat anda mudah untuk diandalkan oleh orang lain.955B8A//
Xiao1220Vigilant YakshaUlang tahun17 AprilZodiakAriesAfiliasiLiyueVisionAnemoConstellationAlatus NemeseosAku bersedia melindungimu. Tapi jangan berpikir untuk mendekat kepadaku, menjauhlah dari aku, atau yang menunggumu hanyalah penyesalan.Xiao, yang dikenal sebagai 'Penakluk Setan', adalah salah satu Adepti yang perkasa dan bercahaya yang melindungi Liyue Harbor, juga dikenal sebagai 'Vigilant Yaksha'. Meskipun dia tampak seperti seorang pemuda, dia sebenarnya berusia lebih dari dua ribu tahun, memberikan kesan pendiam dan mengancam. Anda dan Xiao memiliki kepribadian yang sama, tidak menunjukkan kelemahan dan kerentanan anda, melainkan mengenakan topeng ketidakpedulian yang kuat dan mandiri.24946D//
Hu Tao2022Fragrance in ThawUlang tahun15 JuliZodiakCancerAfiliasiWangsheng Funeral ParlorVisionPyroConstellationPapilio CharontisSaat matahari terbit, mandilah di bawah sinar matahari. Tapi saat bulan keluar, mandilah di bawah sinar bulan~Hu Tao, direktur ke-77 dari Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, muncul sebagai gadis muda yang tidak biasa dan periang yang bertanggung jawab atas semua urusan pemakaman Liyue. Anda dan Hu Tao memiliki kepribadian yang sama: cerdas, banyak akal, dan penuh dengan ide-ide baru; dengan keinginan untuk mencoba hal-hal baru dan perubahan - dan mengejar kehidupan yang tak terkekang.5F5566//
Eula0010Dance of the Shimmering WaveUlang tahun25 OktoberZodiakScorpioAfiliasiKnights of FavoniusVisionCryoConstellationAphros DelosDibutuhkan dua orang untuk tango. Maukah anda?Eula, kapten dari Reconnaissance Company of the Knights of Favonius, adalah keturunan dari Klan Lawrence yang kejam, keturunan aristokrasi lama. Dia tidak hanya memiliki ilmu pedang yang sangat indah tetapi juga cerdik dan berani. Anda dan Eula memiliki kepribadian yang sama, memberikan kesan tegas, teliti, dan dingin. Tidak peduli tugas apa yang anda terima, anda dapat melakukannya dengan luar biasa, itulah sesuatu yang dikagumi orang lain.46719F//
Ganyu1002Plenilune GazeUlang tahun2 DesemberZodiakSagittariusAfiliasiYuehai PavillionVisionCryoConstellationSinae UnicornisMengapa orang selalu berusaha membuktikan bahwa keberadaan mereka memiliki nilai lebih tinggi dibandingkan orang lain?Ganyu adalah sekretaris dari Liyue Qixing. Darah manusia dan binatang buas mengalir di dalam nadinya. Anggun dan tenang secara alami, namun memiliki keuletan seperti batu yang menangani pekerjaan secara bertanggung jawab dengan semua usahanya. Anda dan Ganyu memiliki kepribadian yang sama, di balik penampilan yang baik dan ramah, Anda serius dan pantang menyerah, menginginkan setiap tugas menjadi sempurna.5F6DC3//
Keqing0222Driving ThunderUlang tahun20 NovemberZodiakScorpioAfiliasiLiyue QixingVisionElectroConstellationTrulla CementariiRex Lapis? Hm, ayo kita realistis sebentar, apakah dia benar-benar tahu segalanya?Keqing, Yuheng dari Liyue Qixing, bertanggung jawab atas pengelolaan lahan dan infrastruktur. Dia selalu mendorong dirinya untuk berusaha lebih keras, dengan penilaian seperti petir untuk melakukan pekerjaannya. Anda dan Keqing memiliki kepribadian yang sama: anda mengejar kesempurnaan dan efisiensi, mandiri dan berkemauan keras; serta kuat dan tegas — mencerminkan perilaku seorang pemimpin.746291//
Tartaglia2221ChildeUlang tahun20 JuliZodiakCancerAfiliasiFatuiVisionHydroConstellationMonoceros CaeliJika rencanamu adalah untuk mendapatkan yang terbaik dariku... Aku tak sabar melihatmu mencoba.Tartaglia, Fatui Harbingers No. 11 dari Snezhnaya, juga dikenal sebagai 'Childe' bertanggung jawab atas urusan diplomatik di Liyue. Memiliki gairah dalam pertempuran, reputasinya membentang jauh dan luas. Dia adalah Harbinger yang termuda dan salah satu yang paling berbahaya. Anda dan Tartaglia memiliki kepribadian yang serupa: pantang menyerah dan tidak dapat mengakui kekalahan, harga diri anda meresap jauh ke dalam tulang Anda. Anda berharap untuk mencapai potensi sejati anda, dengan berani mengejar kebebasan dan cita-cita anda tanpa menahan diri.9A5235//
Kamisato Ayaka1012Frostlake HeronUlang tahun28 SeptemberZodiakLibraAfiliasiYashiro CommissionVisionCryoConstellationGrus NivisAku sudah sangat lama menunggu pertemuan kita.Kamisato Ayaka, putri tertua dari Klan Kamisato Komisi Yashiro. Fitur anggun dan mulia dalam berperilaku, dia memiliki hati yang murni dan indah seperti kristal es. Anda dan Ayaka memiliki kepribadian yang mirip. Menyenangkan bagi orang lain, baik hati, ramah, dan tenang. Segala sesuatu tentang anda sangatlah menyenangkan, dan anda tidak akan pernah menghindar dari tanggung jawab.9B93CA//
Kaedehara Kazuha2201Scarlet Leaves Pursue Wild WavesUlang tahun29 OktoberZodiakScorpioAfiliasiThe CruxVisionAnemoConstellationAcer PalmatumAda dedaunan di dekat sini — saya tahu nada yang pas untuk mengiringi mereka, jika anda ingin mendengarnya.Kaedehara Kazuha, seorang samurai pengembara dari Inazuma yang saat ini bersama Armada Crux Liyue. Memiliki jiwa yang lembut, riang dan suka membaca puisi di waktu luangnya, dimana hatinya menyembunyikan banyak beban dari masa lalu. Anda dan Kazuha memiliki kepribadian yang sama. Kekayaan dan kekuasaan bukanlah fokus hati anda, melainkan kualitas hidup dan perasaan terdalam dalam diri anda, sehingga anda dapat menikmati keajaiban dunia.40765E//
Venti1122Windborne BardUlang tahun16 JuniZodiakGeminiAfiliasiMondstadtGnosisAnemoConstellationCarmen DeiWaktu yang tepat, Traveler! Saya akan bertanya kepada anda – apa keinginan terbesarmu?Venti, juga dikenal sebagai Barbatos, adalah dewa di kota bebas Mondstadt, memegang gelar Anemo Archon of The Seven, yang melepaskan kekuasaan untuk memberikan kebebasan kepada rakyat Mondstadt. Setelah seribu tahun, dia kembali ke Mondstadt untuk menggulingkan tirani. Seribu tahun lagi telah berlalu, dan dia, sebagai seorang penyair, membebaskan Naga Timur dari Abyss Order di Empat Mata Angin Mondstadt. Kepribadian Anda mirip dengan Venti. Pada umumnya, Anda tampaknya sedang bersantai, tetapi ketika menghadapi krisis, Anda tidak ragu untuk menghadapinya secara langsung, memberikan segalanya untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut.A86B3C//
Albedo0101KreideprinzUlang tahun13 SeptemberZodiakVirgoAfiliasiKnights of FavoniusVisionGeoConstellationPrinceps CretaceusApakah Anda ingin menyelidiki asal usul dunia juga? Kita menjalani jalan yang sama kalau begitu.Albedo, seorang jenius yang dikenal sebagai Kreideprinz, adalah Kepala Alkemis dan Kapten Investigasi dari tim Knights of Favonius. Gelar-gelar dan penghargaan-penghormatan seperti itu tidak ada artinya baginya ketika masih ada begitu banyak hal yang perlu diketahui dan lebih banyak penelitian yang harus dilakukan. Anda dan Albedo memiliki kepribadian yang mirip. Halus dan sopan, tulus, dan rasa kepatutan. Anda mengabdikan diri untuk pertumbuhan pribadi, tak henti-hentinya mencari kemajuan dan transendensi-diri.E69879//
Shenhe0001Lonesome TranscendenceUlang tahun10 MaretZodiakPiscesAfiliasiLiyueVisionCryoConstellationCrista DolorisSaya berasal dari pegunungan, jadi tidak perlu khawatir.Shenhe, seorang putri dari keluarga pengusir setan, di adopsi oleh seorang adepti dan menjadi muridnya setelah insiden traumatis selama masa kecilnya. Dia dibesarkan di pegunungan jauh dari Pelabuhan Liyue, jiwanya terikat dengan tali merah, dan dia melatih tubuh dan pikirannya. Anda dan Shenhe memiliki kepribadian yang sama. Tenang dan anggun, tidak mau berkelahi dengan orang lain, jarang berkonflik. Anda mencari kedamaian batin dan menantikan kehidupan yang baik dan tenang.795B96//
Yae Miko1111Astute AmusementUlang tahun27 JuniZodiakCancerAfiliasiGrand Narukami ShrineVisionElectroConstellationDivina VulpesOh? Bagaimanakah kabar si kecil kesayanganku, hmm?Yae Miko, adalah kepala gadis kuil yang bertanggung jawab atas Grand Narukami Shrine dan keturunan langsung dari Kitsune, dan pemimpin redaksi Yae Publishing House yang mengintimidasi. Cantik dan mencolok dalam penampilan, dibaliknya adalah rubah cerdas dan licik yang tidak mencurigakan. Anda dan Yae Miko memiliki kepribadian yang sama: misterius dan terus berubah, anda menunjukkan sisi yang berbeda kepada orang, sehingga orang lain tidak dapat membedakan sifat asli anda dari penampilan Anda.D683A7//
Yoimiya2102Frolicking FlamesUlang tahunJune 21ZodiakGeminiAfiliasiNaganohara FireworksVisionPyroConstellationCarassius AuratusApakah kamu bebas sekarang? Nyalakan kembang apinya yuk! Aku baru saja membuat yang sangat keren dan aku mau menunjukkannya kepadamu!Yoimiya, adalah seorang ahli kembang api yang berbakat, dan pemilik Naganohara Fireworks saat ini yang dikenal luas di Kota Inazuma. Dipenuhi dengan semangat dan antusiasme yang berapi-api, bersama dengan kepolosan tanpa kompromi dan ketekunan seorang ahli kembang api. Kamu dan Yoimiya memiliki kepribadian yang mirip. Cerdas, gesit, dan bersemangat untuk berbagi dan mengeksplorasi hal-hal baru. Dipenuhi dengan imajinasi dan kreativitas, anda membawa kebahagiaan dan kegembiraan bagi orang-orang di sekitar anda.D07C5E//
Yun Jin1102Stage LucidaUlang tahunMay 21ZodiakGeminiAfiliasiLiyueVisionGeoConstellationOpera GrandisHobi saya? Opera, tentu saja! Itulah yang benar-benar saya sukai dan itulah yang akan saya kejar selama sisa hidup saya.Yun Jin, direktur saat ini dari Yun-Han Opera Troupe, penyanyi opera Liyue terkenal yang ahli dalam penulisan drama dan menyanyi. Dengan suara yang merdu dan penampilan yang cantik, dia terkenal karena penampilannya yang kaya dan sensasional. Anda dan Yunjin memiliki kepribadian yang mirip. Baik dan menyenangkan, namun tegas dan ulet. Begitu anda siap untuk melakukan sesuatu, anda akan fokus pada tujuan anda tanpa memperdulikan kebisingan dari orang lain.9A8363//
Qiqi1001Icy RessurectionUlang tahunMarch 3ZodiakPiscesAfiliasiLiyueVisionCryoConstellationPristina NolaSaya Qiqi. Saya adalah seorang zombie. Dan aku...lupa apa selanjutnya.Qiqi adalah pengumpul bahan obat di Bubu Pharmacy. Diberikan oleh seorang adepti tubuh yang tidak bisa mati, penampilannya sama dengan hari dia meninggal. Zombie ini tidak dapat melakukan apa pun tanpa terlebih dahulu diberi perintah. Anda dan Qiqi memiliki kepribadian yang mirip. Berbeda dari orang lain, anda terlihat unik dari biasanya. Bahkan dalam lintasan kehidupan, anda juga menapaki jalan yang berbeda. Bukannya anda berusaha untuk menjadi sangat terpisah dalam pikiran dan tindakan dari orang lain, melainkan anda memiliki pandangan yang berbeda tentang dunia.DA6C7D//
Arataki Itto2212Hanamizaka HeroicsUlang tahunJune 1ZodiakGeminiAfiliasiArataki GangVisionGeoConstellationTaurus IracundusBahkan dalam kekalahan yang paling menyakitkan, pria sejati tidak akan pernah membiarkan rambutnya ketinggalan zaman!Arataki Itto adalah keturunan dari crimson oni. Secepat angin dan sekuat guntur, dia berani dan tak terkendali, bersemangat dan sangat setia. Anda dan Itto memiliki kepribadian yang mirip. Besar hati, setia dan lugas, bersedia memberikan semuanya untuk membantu teman dan keluarga anda. anda memiliki hati yang tulus, tanpa takut akan kekuasaan atau kejahatan.F2B1AC//
Sangonomiya Kokomi0212Pearl of WisdomUlang tahunFebruary 22ZodiakPiscesAfiliasiWatatsumi IslandVisionHydroConstellationDracaena SomnolentaSituasi di medan perang selalu berkembang dengan pesat. Berpikir cepat dan kemampuan beradaptasi adalah kunci untuk menang secara konsisten.Sangonomiya Kokomi adalah Pendeta Ilahi muda dari Pulau Watatsumi dan juga menjabat sebagai pemimpin tertinggi. Kokomi telah membaca buku-buku militer dari berbagai negara sejak dia masih kecil, dan dia sangat berpengalaman dalam seni perang. Dia pandai menyusun strategi, dan melawan musuhnya dengan taktik yang tidak biasa. Anda dan Kokomi memiliki kepribadian yang mirip. Bijaksana dan memikirkan hal-hal secara menyeluruh, apakah itu tentang kehidupan, pekerjaan atau studi, anda tidak memiliki niat untuk mundur, dan akan selalu melakukan yang terbaik dari kemampuan anda.7B6886//
Yanfei1211Wise InnocenceUlang tahun28 JuliZodiakLeoAfiliasiLiyue HarborVisionPyroConstellationBestia IustitiaYa, seseorang harus mematuhi aturan, tetapi seseorang juga harus beradaptasi dengan situasinya, bukan?Yanfei, adalah manusia setengah binatang dan penasihat hukum terbaik di Pelabuhan Liyue. Dia mampu menggunakan hukum dengan bijak dan memperjuangkan kepentingan terbaik kliennya dalam ruang lingkup yang diizinkan oleh hukum. Anda dan Yanfei memiliki kepribadian yang sama. Anda penuh rasa ingin tahu tentang dunia, ingin bertemu orang-orang yang menarik, dan ingin mengalami hal-hal menarik — itulah sumber kegembiraan anda.8A8760//
Sayu2021Mujina NinjaUlang tahun19 OktoberZodiakSagittariusAfiliasiShuumatsubanVisionAnemoConstellationNyctereutes MinorApa-? saya sudah ditemukan? Tidaaak... Aku belum cukup tidur hari ini, waaaah!Sayu adalah seorang ninja dari Shuumatsuban. Dia telah menguasai semua jenis ninjutsu untuk melarikan diri dan bersembunyi. Dengan perawakan mungil, dia terus mengejar tidur untuk tumbuh lebih tinggi. Anda dan Sayu memiliki kepribadian yang mirip. Dalam menangani tugas, anda tidak puas dengan hal-hal biasa, hanya mengikuti cara-cara konvensional. Anda lebih suka memikirkan ide bagus lainnya dan melakukannya dengan cara yang kreatif, menghasilkan kejutan yang tidak terduga.D46B5D//
Kujou Sara0120Crowfeather KaburayaUlang tahun14 JuliZodiakCancerAfiliasiTenryou CommissionVisionElectroConstellationFlabellumDalam pengawasan saya, Inazuma akan selalu bertahan, dan kehendak Shogun akan selalu dilakukan. Jika anda menempatkan diri anda sebagai musuh, pastikan anda tahu apa yang akan anda lawan.Kujou Sara adalah putri yand diadopsi oleh Klan Kujou dari Komisi Tenryou, jenderal tentara Shogun, yang mengemban tugas menjaga stabilitas Inazuma. Dia memiliki watak yang teguh dan ulet, berani dan mahir dalam pertempuran, sehingga musuh yang paling sulit pun dapat ditangani dengan tepat. Anda dan Sara memiliki kepribadian yang sama. Tangguh, mandiri, tidak bisa mengakui kekalahan. Anda memiliki tekad untuk tidak pernah menyerah pada tujuan anda, dan itu sering kali mengarah pada kesuksesan.AA4139//
Diona2001Kätzlein CocktailUlang tahun18 JanuariZodiakCapricornAfiliasiMondstadtVisionCryoConstellationDionaDiona, bartender dari Cat's Tail! Saya menagih biaya yang besar untuk acara pribadi... Apa? Anda tidak datang ke sini untuk minum?Diona adalah bartender yang sangat populer di kedai Cat's Tail, bintang yang sedang naik daun di industri anggur Mondstadt. Namun Diona sangat tidak menyukai alkohol sehingga dia menyebut dirinya 'pembunuh industri anggur', dia memusatkan semua usahanya pada prestasi ini. Anda dan Diona memiliki kepribadian yang mirip. Meskipun anda tidak baik dengan kata-kata anda, anda menggunakan tindakan untuk menyampaikan cinta di hati anda, terutama kepada keluarga dan teman-teman yang sangat anda hargai.B393BC//
Aloy1222Savior From Another WorldUlang tahunApril 4ZodiakAriesAfiliasiWandering HeroineVisionCryoConstellationNora FortisAloy here. I don't know this world, but my arrows are sharp and my bow's ready. If your party needs help, I'll do what I can.Aloy, an outcast since birth, grew up in a harsh mountain wilderness near the tribe that shunned her. Since she got fostered by an expert hunter, she excels in hunting animals with deadly accuracy. Without anyone able to tell who her parents were and why she was shunned by the tribe, Aloy embarks on a new journey in search of her past background. You and Aloy are similar: Determined, have a strong will, and never give up no matter how harsh the world is. You seek the truth inside this world and you are willing to face any kind of challenges that you meet alongside your journey.57ADDD//
Amber2121Gliding ChampionUlang tahunAugust 10ZodiakLeoAfiliasiKnights of FavoniusVisionPyroConstellationLepusOutrider Amber reporting for duty! Just say the word if you ever need my help!Amber, the only Outrider of the Knights of Favonius. She is a three-time winner of the Gliding Championship in Mondstadt thanks to her amazing mastery of the gliding skill. Whether there is something simple or perhaps a more challenging task, Amber is always ready to help the citizens of Mondstadt. You and Amber have similar personalities. Always energetic and full of life, kindhearted and willing to help those in needs without hesitation.C62F30//
Barbara2002Shining IdolUlang tahunJuly 5ZodiakCancerAfiliasiChurch of FavoniusVisionHydroConstellationCraterTada! *giggles* Barbara is here~ Leave the healing to me, I will not disappoint you!Barbara, is the deaconess of the Church of Favonius. She is also a prominent idol, a shining starlet adored by the citizens of Mondstadt, and she learned the word “Idol” from a magazine that a famous adventurer, Alice, has written in it. Jean is actually her sister. You and Barbara shared the same personalities. You are hardworking, bright, charismatic, and optimistic, but sometimes you have a feeling of doubt and inferiority if you see someone able to do something better compared to you. Never forget that a lot of people adore you the way you are!DBB658//
Beidou2222Uncrowned Lord of the OceanUlang tahunFebruary 14ZodiakAquariusAfiliasiThe CruxVisionElectroConstellationVictor MareI'm Beidou. You've heard of my ship, The Crux and its crew? If you too love adventure, then join me. I've got your back.Beidou, the captain of Tre Crux, a renowned crew in Liyue. Besides her capabilities as a fleet captain and her immense strength, many in Liyue know her for her lack of fear towards the Tianquan of the Liyue Qixing, Ningguang — a trait that the other appreciates, yet grows irritated by. You and Beidou shared the same personalities. You have a great sense of leadership and friendship, you are a strong person and surprisingly an easy-going kind of person too. This is the reason why a lot of people have respect for you and willing to be loyal to you, because you also treat everyone with respect.C71B53//
Bennett2111Trial by FireUlang tahunFebruary 29ZodiakPiscesAfiliasiBenny's Adventure TeamVisionPyroConstellationRota CalamitasThis is your team? Cool... I like the vibe. I'm Bennett, leader of Benny's Adventure Team. Any chance we can team up? Please?Bennett is a young adventurer that was raised in Mondstadt’s Adventurers’ Guild. Being an orphaned, the only member left of the “Benny’s Adventure Team”, and a person that always experiencing constant misfortune, Bennett always had a rough time in his adventures. Despite all of those unfortunate events, you and Bennett actually have the same personalities. Even though things are not like what it supposed to be, you are strong like Bennett, still able to find the silver lining even on the worst event, and you always filled with hope to embark on a new things in your life.DE9E48//
Chongyun1110Frozen ArdorUlang tahunSeptember 7ZodiakVirgoAfiliasiTianheng ThaumaturgesVisionCryoConstellationNubis CaesorHeart be pure, evil be erased. Mind be purged, world be... Um... Ugh, I always forget that last part.Chongyun is an exorcist from Liyue that was born with excessive positive energy. Thanks to this blessing or curse, he became a very effective exorcist, but at the same time making him never seen a spirit himself because the spirit flee before he can even lay his own eyes on them. You and Chongyun have similar personalities. You both are a positive person, quite literally and figuratively. Just like Chongyun who believes that training is the way to become a strong individual, you also have a strong goal in your mind and you will do what it takes to reach that goal.649EDC//
Diluc0112The Dark Side of DawnUlang tahunApril 30ZodiakTaurusAfiliasiDawn WineryVisionPyroConstellationNoctuaDiluc, of Mondstadt. Not interested in idle chit-chat. If you have things you want to get done, let me know.Diluc is one of the wealthiest gentlemen in Mondstadt. As the current owner of the Dawn Winery and a nobleman of high esteem in Mondstadt society, he actually has a burning zealous soul that has sworn to protect Mondstadt at all costs. Both you and Diluc share the same personalities. You both are a hard worker, have high integrity, and have a strong sense of justice. It wouldn’t be a surprise if someone actually took you as their role model.EA6618//
Fischl1121Prinzessin der Verurteilung!Ulang tahunMay 27ZodiakGeminiAfiliasiAdventurers' GuildVisionElectroConstellationCorvusFischl: I, Fischl, Prinzessin der Verurteilung, descend upon this land by the call of fate an— Oh, you are also a traveler from another world? Very well, I grant you permission to travel with me. Oz: She means, nice to meet you.Fischl is an investigator for Mondstadt's Adventurers' Guild, accompanied by the night raven Oz. She often introduces herself as “Prinzessin der Verurteilung”. Despite having a unique eccentric character, she actually has become a rising star among the Adventurers' Guild's investigators. You and Fischl have similar personalities. You both have a passion and you don’t shy to enjoy your passion to the fullest. Similar to Fischl, you are also a smart person and have a sharp intuition. Those lucky people around you will also love you as you are also a kind person in their eyes.E29F62//
Gorou2122Canine WarriorUlang tahunMay 18ZodiakTaurusAfiliasiWatatsumi IslandVisionGeoConstellationCanis BellatorisThe sun is up and it is time to train. Shall we go climb a mountain?Gorou is the courageous and reliable general of the Watatsumi Army, a leader whose men can always place their trust in. Everyone in Watatsumi Army has huge respect and loyalty for him because of his leadership and charisma skills. You and Gorou have similar personalities. You are courageous, determined, and sincere. People would know you for your loyalty and they will trust in your leadership.BE904B//
Jean1011Dandelion KnightUlang tahunMarch 14ZodiakPiscesAfiliasiKnights of FavoniusVisionAnemoConstellationLeo MinorHuh, it seems I'm immune to coffee now. Perhaps I need to ask Lisa for something... a little stronger…Jean is the Acting Grand Master of the Knights, the person that has always been devoted to her duties and maintaining peace in Mondstadt. With the big responsibilities and enormous amount of work, She is always busy handling unrest across Mondstadt and tirelessly working to maintain the City of Freedom. You and Jean have similar personalities. You both are kind, diligent, and hard worker kind of person. But, due to the perfectionist side of you, you always want to strive for the best. Of course, this could give a great result in your work, but make sure to take care of yourself too.DDAE65//
Kaeya1212Frostwind SwordsmanUlang tahunNovember 30ZodiakSagittariusAfiliasiKnights of FavoniusVisionCryoConstellationPavo OcellusIs the Abyss Order causing you trouble? If there's anything bothering you, you know you can talk to me.Kaeya is the Cavalry Captain of the Knights of Favonius. He is held in high regard by the people of Mondstadt — even with all his eccentricities and secrets. Despite he has a lot of secrets, Kaeya is actually the most trusted aide for the Acting Grand Master Jean. You and Kaeya have similar personalities. You both are cunning, shrewd, sharp and you both also have charming and confident sides inside you. Since you have a lot of secrets and you able to deceive people, others will find it hard to tell when you are serious or when you are joking around.3F628E//
Kamisato Ayato0210Pillar of FortitudeUlang tahunMarch 26ZodiakAriesAfiliasiYashiro CommissionVisionHydroConstellationCypressus CustosVery well, I shall put my official duties to one side for the moment.Kamisato Ayato is the current head of the Kamisato Clan, the older brother of Kamisato Ayaka, and the Yashiro Commissioner. As a person, he does not like to show his face in public often. He is the kind of person that prefers to work on his duties as the Yashiro Commissioner. He is a very busy person, thus he loathes small talk, wanting people to get to the point. You and Ayato have similar personalities. You both are smart, mature, determined, and caring. Despite you have busy activities in your life, you value friendship and family beyond your own work, making everyone really grateful to be around you.9C6DBC//
Kuki Shinobu0201Mender of TribulationsUlang tahunJuly 27ZodiakLeoAfiliasiArataki GangVisionElectroConstellationTribulatio DemptioJust let me know if you ever find yourself in a pinch. I can help you out.Kuki Shinobu is the deputy leader and the sidekick of the Arataki Gang. The rest of her family actually are part of the shrine maidens, but Shinobu has different goals that she wants to reach in her life. She already tried various trades, studying in Liyue and even joining the Arataki Gang. You and Shinobu have similar personalities. When it comes to responsibilities, you are a very reliable person and everyone admires your professionalism in terms of work. You can read the situation accurately and you can make the right decision naturally too. Thanks to this trait that you have, there is no doubt you can reach whatever the goals that you seek.67AC4C//
Lisa1210Witch of Purple RoseUlang tahunJune 9ZodiakGeminiAfiliasiKnights of FavoniusVisionElectroConstellationTempus FugitHi darling, are you going to be Lisa's little helper? What? Me, a grand mage? That was a long time ago, I'm just a humble librarian now. *chuckles* Don't worry darling, I'll take very good care of you. So…Lisa is the Librarian of the Knights of Favonius. Despite she lives in Mondstadt, she was well known in Sumeru as Sumeru Akademiya’s most distinguished graduate in 200 years. As a powerful mage and as a humble Librarian of the Knights of Favonius, she always knows exactly what to do with whatever troubles her. As much as she loves her sleep, she still manages to keep everything under control in a calm, composed manner. You and Lisa shared the same personalities. You have great self-awareness about yourself, making you a wise person, and have great self-control toward yourself. You always know how to treat yourself or cope with your own emotion which will definitely be useful for your personal well-being too.5E439A//
Mona1120Astral ReflectionUlang tahunAugust 31ZodiakVirgoAfiliasiMondstatVisionHydroConstellationAstrolabosI am Astrologist Mona Megistus, meaning The Great Astrologist Mona. If it is divination you seek from me, then I ask you respect my name by learning it wholly, here and now.Mona, also known as Astrologist Mona Megistus is an astrologist who takes her passion seriously. She is very knowledgeable in this subject in part and respects, yet also fears her master at the same time. In part due to her astrology, Mona can tell whether or not a person is lying, can sense their intentions from a single glance, is capable of seeing their fate, and is able to accurately deduce a person's traits just from knowing what their constellation is. You and Mona have similar personalities. You know your capabilities and you have a huge dedication to your ambition. You are a disciplined person, which will definitely help you reach your goal. You are sharp and able to read someone’s emotions. People might also come to you whenever they feel stressed, and you might have ideas about how to help them feel relieved afterward.6A83DA//
Ningguang0121Eclipsing StarUlang tahunAugust 26ZodiakVirgoAfiliasiLiyue QixingVisionGeoConstellationOpus AequilibriumI am Ningguang, Tianquan of Qixing. You wish to trade? You be my personal bodyguard, and I will show you how to get ahead in Liyue.Ningguang is a professional businesswoman, having accumulated her wealth through hard work and perseverance. As the Tianquan, she is known for being highly meticulous in her work and holds a large amount of influence within Liyue. You and Ningguang have similar personalities. You both are hard-working, diligent, charming, and confident. You are often able to see the potential in any kind of situation, and you are bold enough to make a very tough decision.F8C140//
Noelle1021Chivalric BlossomUlang tahunMarch 21ZodiakAriesAfiliasiKnights of FavoniusVisionGeoConstellationParma CordisYou seem tired. Would you like some tea? I'll brew you some. Do you take sugar? One cube, or two?Noelle always dreamed of being a knight of Favonius when she grew up. While she is not one yet, she seeks to one day join the Knights of Favonius by first serving as a dutiful maid. Working as a maid at the Knights' headquarters, she is constantly taking notes on what constitutes knightly speech, knightly conduct, and knightly customs. She holds firm to her belief that one day she will join their ranks — she just needs to keep trying her hardest at everything she does. You and Noelle have similar personalities. You are dedicated, ambitious, sweet, hard-worker, and passionate. Even when things are rough, you would never let go of your dreams and that is the good thing that people around you would admire.E9AF65//
Razor2120Wolf BoyUlang tahunSeptember 9ZodiakVirgoAfiliasiWolvendomVisionElectroConstellationLupus MinorI'm hungry. Let's hunt.Razor is an orphan that was taken in by the Wolf of the North, Andrius, and raised by his wolf pack in Wolvendom. After a chance encounter with Varka, the current Grand Master of the Knights of Favonius and the Knight of Boreas, he has slowly started integrating with humans again. You and Razor have similar personalities. You are a good-natured person, caring and you would not hesitate to protect those near to you, even if that means you will face the danger itself. Your honesty and quick thinking are definitely other traits that will bring sparks of joy to those around you.7357C2//
Rosaria1010Thorny BenevolenceUlang tahunJanuary 24ZodiakAquariusAfiliasiChurch of FavoniusVisionCryoConstellationSpinea CoronaEverything is negotiable, except overtime.Rosaria is a nun at the Church of Favonius in the City of Mondstadt. Despite her appearance is not that convincing, she is actually a real sister alongside Barbara and the other nuns too. Even though she has her position in the church, Rosaria is the least devout; she is always guaranteed to skip all church activities when possible and is the first one to leave if she is forced to attend. She secretly acts as a purveyor of justice for the Church, investigating potential threats to Mondstadt and eliminating them if necessary. You and Rosaria have similar personalities. Appearance can fool someone, thus it’s not good to judge the book by its cover. You are actually sharp, talented, honest to yourself, and also carefree. When it comes to a necessary task, you will finish it as fast as you can, and if there are works that are not related to you, you would immediately go away from it.C44182//
Shikanoin Heizou1112Analytical HarmonyUlang tahunJuly 24ZodiakLeoAfiliasiTenryou CommissionVisionAnemoConstellationCervus MinorThe name's Shikanoin Heizou, sharpest and most successful detective of the Tenryou CommissionHeizou is a young prodigy detective from the Tenryou Commission. His senses are sharp and his thoughts are ingenious. No matter what unsolved case he's facing, he can get to the truth in unexpected ways. Despite appearing “brainy” to many, Heizou is one of the Tenryou Commission’s strongest doushins, using his intuition to solve cases and stop criminals in their tracks. He is also capable of subduing them in melee combat, but he tries to avoid this whenever possible as he sees it as blunt. You and Heizou shared similar personalities. You two are one of a kind, have a strong sense of justice, have high integrity, smart, and freedom is the thing that you love, as you were once rebellious and disliked following rules.B9435D//
Sucrose1022Harmless SweetieUlang tahunNovember 26ZodiakSagittariusAfiliasiKnights of FavoniusVisionAnemoConstellationAmpullaTh-The sun is already out? Oh, ah, okay! Just one last experiment, and then we can get some rest. Last one, I promise…Sucrose is an alchemist specializing in bio-alchemy, she also serves as an assistant for Albedo, the head alchemist of the Knights of Favonius. Her high curiosity towards the world and everything in it are the motivation that has led her to make monumental contributions to the field of bio-alchemy. You and Sucrose have similar personalities. You both are passionate, have a high sense of achievement and curiosity, have high patience, and are kind. Despite interacting with people is not your best field, when you find people that shared the same interest with you, you can see a different world that nobody else can imagine.3BA07E//
Thoma0111Protector From AfarUlang tahunJanuary 9ZodiakCapricornAfiliasiYashiro CommissionVisionPyroConstellationRubeum ScutumHey... how about we go for a nice meal some time? My treat, of course.Thoma, The housekeeper of the Yashiro Commission's Kamisato Clan, and a well-known “fixer” in Inazuma, is the person that Ayato and Ayaka would rely on. At first glance, he seems to be a very easygoing person, but he is in fact very responsible. He has an extraordinarily serious side, be it in his work or his interpersonal communications. You and Thoma shared similar personalities. You are both friendly and approachable, reliable, professional in your field, and responsible. People have respect for you because you often finish your work with great results.BA373F//
Traveler9999OutlanderUlang tahunN.A.ZodiakN.A.AfiliasiN.A.VisionN.A.ConstellationViatorJust what will we come across this time?Traveler is the playable protagonist of Genshin Impact. In the opening cutscene, twin siblings from another world travel through the universe, until an unknown god blocks their path. Their power to travel is sealed, leaving them stranded on Teyvat. They save Paimon by fishing her out of the water and she accompanies them as their new travel companion. Together they set out on a journey to find The Seven and reunite with the Traveler's lost sibling. You and the Traveler have similar personalities. Family means everything to you. You are friendly, courageous and gentle. No matter where you are, you will be surrounded by those that became your new friends because of how approachable you are.CAA961//
Xiangling2011Exquisite DelicacyUlang tahunNovember 2ZodiakScorpioAfiliasiWanmin RestaurantVisionPyroConstellationTrullaI can't decide whether Pyro slimes taste better with salt and pepper or garlic and herbs…Xiangling is the Head Chef at the Wanmin Restaurant and also a waitress there. Together with her father Chef Mao, they run this restaurant in Liyue. Xiangling is extremely passionate about cooking and excels at her signature hot and spicy dishes. Though still young, Xiangling is a true master of the culinary arts with all the skills of a kitchen veteran. She enjoys a good reputation among the hearty eaters at Chihu Rock. As a chef, Xiangling isn't afraid to try out different recipes or “exotic” ingredients, making her dishes sometimes quite unique. You and Xiangling have similar personalities. You both are adventurous and have a high curiosity. Experimenting with new stuff is part of your daily life and you are not afraid to explore the unknown.C25645//
Xingqiu1101Juvenile GalantUlang tahunOctober 9ZodiakLibraAfiliasiFeiyun Commerce GuildVisionHydroConstellationFabulae TextileI never embark on a journey without a good book to accompany me.Xingqiu is the second son of the Guild Manager of the Feiyun Commerce Guild, an influential group in Liyue, and is also a self-proclaimed practitioner of the Guhua Clan's arts. He is good friends with Hu Tao and Chongyun, though he pranks the latter consistently. He is an avid reader and spends most of his time looking for rare books at Wanwen Bookhouse when he is not preoccupied with his duties. He also wrote his own book and surprisingly became popular in Inazuma and Fontaine despite Xingqiu was initially unaware of its popularity in Inazuma. You and Xingqiu have similar personalities. You two are intelligent, slow to anger, and have a great sense of justice. Being a leader is also part of your trait and the people around you would not hesitate to follow you.56829D//
Xinyan2012Blazing RiffUlang tahunOctober 16ZodiakLibraAfiliasiThe Red StringsVisionPyroConstellationFila IgniumIf there's fire in your soul, you gotta rock 'n' roll. So c'mon! Let's get movin'!Xinyan, have a big passion for music, especially Rock ‘n’ Roll. Despite Rock ‘n’ Roll is a relatively unpopular style of music in Liyue, having recently been brought over from Fontaine. Xinyan, however, loves the sound — and she’s slowly but surely amassing a fanbase of her own as she performs throughout Liyue Harbor. You and Xinyan have similar personalities. You are determined, resilient, and you have a strong dedication to fulfilling your goals. Just like Xinyan will always try her best to spread Rock ‘n’ Rock in Liyue despite there are a lot of challenges, but she is not discouraged and continues to play, whatever the challenge that blocked your path, people around you would have faith that you won’t give up easily and they also have faith that you can reach your goals.C62D2D//
Yelan0220Valley OrchidUlang tahunApril 20ZodiakTaurusAfiliasiYanshang TeahouseVisionHydroConstellationUmbrabilis OrchisI got a new letter from an informant. Looks like the situation has changed again.Yelan is a mysterious person who claims to work for the Ministry of Civil Affairs, but comes out as a non-entity on their list. She also claims to work for the Yanshang Teahouse, but only uses it for her true job, an intelligence agent collaborating with Ningguang. You and Yelan have similar personalities. You are mysterious and secretive, but you are a calm and carefree person. You are also reliable and intelligent.1660FF//
Collei0122Sprout of RebirthUlang tahunMay 8ZodiakTaurusAfiliasiAvidya Fores Ranger TraineeVisionDendroConstellationLeptailurus CervariusTrainee Forest Ranger Collei, reporting for duty! I will ensure your safe passage through this forest. ...Phew, I think I've finally got that line down! ...I—I didn't get any of it wrong, did I?Collei is a Trainee Forest Ranger in the Avidya Forest. She is one of the Fatui human experimentation victims. Due to her past experiences, she is extremely wary and suspicious of people, preferring to be left alone and making her seem cold. Her pessimistic view of the world comes from the mistreatment and abuse she endured everywhere. But meeting Amber has changed her life because she’s slowly able to trust someone thanks to Amber’s kindness. You and Collei have similar personalities. Despite you are a closed person, you are actually a kind person in the eyes of others. If everyone can describe you, they will address you as helpful, friendly, and passionate. No matter how hard things might be, your name will always be inside their mind because they will never forget all the good things that you’ve shared with those around you.8EB24F//
Tighnari0100Verdant StriderUlang tahunDecember 29ZodiakCapricornAfiliasiGandharva VilleVisionDendroConstellationVulpes ZerdaHi there. I'm Tighnari, Forest Watcher of the Avidya Forest. My duty is to preserve both the rainforest's ecosystem and the safety of its visitors.Tighnari is a young researcher well-versed in botany who currently serves as a Forest Watcher in Avidya Forest. Tighnari resolves problems quickly and professionally, but at the same time, he will give the other party a stern lecture. Thanks to his wide knowledge, anyone with a clear head will be able to comprehend his easy-to-understand explanations. You and Tighnari have similar personalities. You are bright, smart, and wise and you are able to read the situation and find the solution in a quick manner.287F5B//