Chainsaw Man is a Japanese dark fantasy manga series written and illustrated by Tatsuki Fujimoto. It was released in Weekly Shōnen Jump magazine in 2019. The story was set in a setting similar to modern society. However, monsters called "Devils" were dwelling in the world. Devils are beings with higher intelligence than humans. Devils who inhabit a human dead body was called Fiend. Those who hunt and employ Devils are called Devil hunters. There are private devil hunters and governmental devil hunters, from the Public Safety Division.
The story was about a young man named Denji being tricked into debts and trapped in poverty. He gained the power of "the saw" and joined the governmental devil hunting team, fighting against all kinds of devils. Denji, Makima, Aki Hayakawa, Power, Himeno...which Chainsaw Man character would you be? Come and find out!
Denji1101AKAChainsaw ManOccupationPublic Safety Devil HunterDenji, has a simple and frivolous personality. He inherited great debts to the Yakuza from his father. As a result, he worked for them. He lived and fought devils with Pochita, the Chainsaw Devil. Yakuza was controlled by Zombie Devil. Denji was seduced and murdered. Pochita became the heart of Denji in order to revive and save him. Denji was adopted by Makima, became a member of the Public Safety Devil Hunter. He fought for simple goals.The personality of yours and Denji’s are similar in that you are passionate about being free, do not like rules and retrains, you are intelligent, and always know what to do to solve difficult situations. You make it look easy.//
Makima0111AKAThe exploiterOccupationHigh-ranking Public Safety Devil HunterMakima was a senior of Denji in the Public Safety Devil Hunters. She was mysterious, and called her subordinates as dogs. It does not bother her to sacrifice her subordinates. She has her own standard of justice. To control devils, she made them feel lesser than her. She manipulate creatures and devils lower than her in status.Looking at your personality, you and Makima have some similarities in that you are clear-minded and with great reflects. You like to control others, and the feeling of everything is under your control. You respect the rules of the real world. At the same time, you have your own standards and rules and you are not easily influenced by others.//
Aki Hayakawa0101AKAThe person with a contract with the Future DevilOccupationDevil Hunter of Tokyo Special Division 4Aki Hayakawa was more experienced than Denji by three years. He summoned Cursed Devil and used Japanese sword as his weapon. After his parents and brother was killed by the Gun Devil, he had been tracking it for avange. He also had a contract with the Fox Devil that he can summon the Devil with a Fox hand motion. At the same time, he also has a contract with the Curse Devil, when using his nail shaped sword and stabbing opponent three times, the Curse Devil would be summoned and would kill the person being stabbed. The price Aki Hayakawa had to pay was time deducted from his life.You have a hint of Aki Hayakawa in you in that you always show your side of great stamina and tenacity. You are responsible, and have an image of “superman.” When you are alone, you are quiet, gentle, steady and calm.//
Power1001AKABlood FiendOccupationDevil Hunter of Tokyo Special Division 4Power, a Blood Fiend, was recruited by Makima into the Public Safety Devil Hunters units. She became a Devil partner of Denji. She had light red horns, and wore breast pads. I had the power of Blood Manipulation, which allowed her to manipulate her own blood into any shape and form weapons. She can also help others from bleeding. She appeared to be a young girl with long hair with a pair of horns. She is arrogant and rude, does not like vegetable, does not like to be clean, and like to lie. She had improved since hanging out with Denji and Aki.The personality of yours and Power’s are similar in that you have a heart of a child, desire your true and natural self. You are self motivated, which made you look positive. You do not back down, but strive toward your goals.//
Himeno0011AKAThe person with a contract with the Ghost DevilOccupationDevil Hunter of Tokyo Special Division 4Himeno is a senior of Denji and Aki, the first partner of Aki and student of Kishibe. Aki, who originally hated the smells of cigarettes, was influenced by her and started smoking. Used her right eye in exchange for a contract with the Ghost Devil. She was very experienced. In the battle against the Katana Man, she gave her life to the Ghost Devil.Your personality has some similarities to Himeno’s in that you show great patience and will-power when you find something you are interested about. You can continue on developing in the area and do well. You are loving and understanding when it comes to family.//
Quanxi0001AKAThe First Devil HunterOccupationDevil HunterQuanxi was a tall assassin from China. She wore an eye patch over her right eye. She had four Devils around her. She was close with Kishibe. She was strong, used long sword with great speed, killed many in high speed. She was also good at empty-handed combat. She had an arrow underneath her eye patch, and it turned into the Devil when the eye patch was removed.Personality wise, you and Quanxi have some similarities in that you are very independent, and like to do things on your own. You are easy going, practical, have great stemina, and you stand out in the crowd. You are more mature than people your age.//
Kobeni Higashiyama1011AKATiny KobeniOccupationDevil Hunter of Tokyo Special Division 4Kobeni Higashiyama, a colleague of Denji. She was 20 years old. She and Violence Fiend were attracted to each other. She was timid and did not usually risk her life. Money to her was important, she stayed in the Public Safety for the bonuses. On the other hand, she had really high combat strength, and was commented by Himeno as “timid, but surprisingly talented.” She had an older brother and eight sisters. Her family was struggling, she wanted to go to college, but her parents did not support her and even needed her to help support the family. She was forced by the situation into becoming a Devil Hunter.There is a hint of Kobeni Higashiyama in you in that you have a complicated personality. Sometimes you are humble, adorable, and child-like. Sometimes you are calm, stable and productive. Fortunately, you are able to keep a balance of your attitude and have been performing well.//
Kishibe1111AKAThe Strongest Devil HunterOccupationCaptain of Tokyo Special Division 4Kishibe taught Himeno and Aki. He was a middle aged alhocolic. He had a scar of stitches at the left side of his mouth. He had piercings on both ears. He called himself the strongest Devil Hunter. People called him crazy. He can fight and suppress both Denji and Power. He was in charge of training Denji and Power before the Katana Man arc. He was a partner with Quanxi. He liked Quanxi, but was rejected by Quanxi many times.Your personality is similar to Kishibe’s in that you have great stemina, straight forward, and know yourself well. You try your best in being neutral when looking at things, whether it is your own matters or of others. Even more valuable is that you know when to do what, and know what suits you best. That makes your decisions dependable and trustworthy.//
If you accidentally enter a special time and space, what would your first thought be?
To search for a way back to reality
To make the best of life in the present time and space
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Great White Shark
In this alternative reality, you as a human, are at the bottom of the survival chain. Would you be willing to undergo a great transformation to become stronger?
If you are being called by others as a freak , how would you feel?
It does not matter, I do not care how others think
I would feel bad, I hope I can fit in better
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Graceful and unstained by the world
Refuse to turn back
Live according to my conscience
Diligence can make up for it
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Hope I can put it into good use
Hope we can become good friends
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Bullet train
The Big Ben
The Tornado
Invincible Hot Wheels
Do you have a good sense of time?
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Ask a passersby
Navigate with GPS
Choose a script based game to enter into base only on the title.