
華特迪士尼公司旗下的電影發行品牌有華特迪士尼影片(Walt Disney Pictures)、好萊塢影片(Hollywood Pictures)、二十世紀電影公司(20th Century Studios, LLC )皮克斯動畫工作室(Pixar Animation Studios)等等,發行了許多優秀的經典動畫、真人動畫、計算機動畫等。在整個電影世界,迪士尼影片占有著重要且閃耀的地位。

當專業的人格理論與迪士尼一衆個性鮮明的角色所碰撞時,將帶來不可思議的驚喜!積極樂觀、勇敢無畏的胡迪(Woody);重情重義、天真爛漫的小熊維尼(Winnie the Pooh);放蕩不羁、足智多謀的海盜王傑克·斯派羅(Jack Sparrow);高貴優雅、堅強無懼的艾莎(Elsa);聰慧美麗、熱愛冒險的愛麗兒(Ariel)……數十位迪士尼經典角色等你發現!快來測測吧~


  1. Yisi Sang, Xiangyang Mou, Mo Yu, Dakuo Wang, Jing Li, Jeffrey Stanton (2022) MBTI Personality Prediction for Fictional Characters Using Movie Scripts.
  2. Sehyeok Yang, Dae-Gwon Kim (2013) Antipodal Structuralization Strategy of Character Appearing in : Based on Psychological Functions of MBTI Personality Types Theory.
  3. Sehyeok Yang, Il-tae Kim (2008) Personality Structures of Heroines in Miyazaki Hayao Animations. The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
  4. Hira A. Shafi, Ahmed Sikander, Ismail Mohamed Jamal, Jawwad Ahmad, M. Aboamer (2022) A Machine Learning Approach for Personality Type Identification using MBTI Framework. Journal of Independent Studies and Research Computing
  5. Carlos Basto (2021) Extending the Abstraction of Personality Types based on MBTI with Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing. ArXiv

