ディズニー キャラ診断


専門的な性格研究と、ディズニーの個性的なキャラクターの組み合わせは、信じられないような驚きをもたらしてくれます。楽観的で怖いもの知らずのウッディ、愛情深く無邪気なくまのプーさん、自由奔放で機知に富んだジャック・スパロウ、高貴で優雅、大胆不敵なエルサ、賢く美しく冒険好きなアリエル...たくさんのディズニーキャラクターがあなたの発見を待っています! さあ、今すぐ診断してみましょう!


  1. Yisi Sang, Xiangyang Mou, Mo Yu, Dakuo Wang, Jing Li, Jeffrey Stanton (2022) MBTI Personality Prediction for Fictional Characters Using Movie Scripts.
  2. Sehyeok Yang, Dae-Gwon Kim (2013) Antipodal Structuralization Strategy of Character Appearing in : Based on Psychological Functions of MBTI Personality Types Theory.
  3. Sehyeok Yang, Il-tae Kim (2008) Personality Structures of Heroines in Miyazaki Hayao Animations. The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
  4. Hira A. Shafi, Ahmed Sikander, Ismail Mohamed Jamal, Jawwad Ahmad, M. Aboamer (2022) A Machine Learning Approach for Personality Type Identification using MBTI Framework. Journal of Independent Studies and Research Computing
  5. Carlos Basto (2021) Extending the Abstraction of Personality Types based on MBTI with Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing. ArXiv

