Online English Vocabulary Size Test

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Ever wonder about your vocabulary size? Even if you are a daily English speaker or a native English speaker, you still might find this test challenging!

We conducted academic research and looked at online resources to design the model of this quiz. We believe we've prepared the best quiz for you!

NEW: Push your vocabulary limits by answering hard questions!

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Whatโ€™s the vocabulary test result by country?

1United States20,440
2United Kingdom18,828
12South Korea10,389
  • Source: Anonymously from Google Analytics (2018 ~ 2022)
  • 1% sampled from 50K visitors

Whatโ€™s the vocabulary test result by gender?

  • Source: Anonymously from Google Analytics (2018 ~ 2022)
  • 1% sampled from 50K visitors

Whatโ€™s the vocabulary test result by age?

  • Source: Anonymously from Google Analytics (2018 ~ 2022)
  • 1% sampled from 50K visitors

Can you give more background on this Vocabulary Size Test?

We first launched the quiz in May 2016. It was created by a group of native English speakers, including some IELTS teachers. We utilized various online sources for English vocabulary distribution to design the algorithm.

When our friends shared the test on Facebook and Twitter in Jun 2016, it became very popular a few weeks later. In 2017, we posted an answer to the test on Facebook, and it went viral again in 2020.

It's been years since we launched the vocabulary size test, and we continue to update it periodically. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to leave a comment after taking the test.


  1. S. Stokes (June 2010) Neighborhood density and word frequency predict vocabulary size in toddlers. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research
  2. B. Laufer, P. Nation (September 1995) Vocabulary size and use: Lexical richness in L2 written production. Applied Linguistics
  3. R. Goulden, P. Nation, J. Read (December 1990) How large can a receptive vocabulary be?. Applied Linguistics
  4. Yuliana T. Wero, Karmila Machmud, Nurlaila Husain (April 2021) The study on students' vocabulary size. Jambura Journal of English Teaching and Literature
  5. D. Beglar (February 2010) A Rasch-based validation of the Vocabulary Size Test. Language Testing
  6. William Nagy, Richard C. Anderson (June 1984) How many words are there in printed school English. Reading Research Quarterly
  7. Bodo Winter, Marcus Perlman (July 2021) Size sound symbolism in the English lexicon. Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics
  8. L. Cameron (May 2002) Measuring vocabulary size in English as an additional language. Language Teaching Research
  9. A. Petersen, J. Tenenbaum, S. Havlin, H. Stanley, M. Perc (November 2012) Languages cool as they expand: Allometric scaling and the decreasing need for new words. Scientific Reports
  10. J. Mayor, K. Plunkett (July 2011) A statistical estimate of infant and toddler vocabulary size from CDI analysis. Developmental Science
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