Reaktionstid test
Hvis du har tænkt på, om din hjerne kan reagere hurtigt på visuel information, så er denne simple test noget for dig! Reglerne er meget simple; når den røde cirkel bliver grøn, skal du venstre klikke med musen på skærmen så hurtigt som muligt!
Den gennemsnitlige reaktionstid ift visuel stimuli er ca. 250ms (milisekunder), og de fleste mennesker kan score omkring 200ms med lidt øvelse. Den hurtigste, dokumenteret, reaktionstid ift visuel stimuli er 120ms, hvilket er en ekstrem svær rekord at slå. Hvis du mener, at du har hvad der skal til for at gøre det bedre, så upload en video en video af din test på Youtube og send os et link. Du kan tage testen så mange gange som du har lyst til. Dette har ingen betydning for din samlet score.
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- On Aug 3 2020 - Alain Rancy , an Ariana Grande stan, has just reached 118ms in this Reaction Time Test. Congrats!
- According to scientific research, healthy participants' first response of the visual cortex is around 50–70 ms. This would seem to indicate that this is the amount of time it takes for the transduced visual stimulus to reach the cortex after light first enters the eye.
- Update: If you want to apply for a record, please make sure to take a video of you taking the test (with a camera filming you and your fingers). During the challenge, please do NOT do any GUESS. And the maximum reaction time in your 5 attempts would be your record - Yes, the WORST number in your five attempts would decide your record score. We know it's very strict but it would be the fairest way to set a record with your real ability. Please send us an email when you're ready with the video link. Our email address can be found on our CPS Test page.
- Special thanks to Alexandro2k from 🇲🇽 Mexico :)