Political Compass Quiz

Political beliefs are complex and multifaceted. This quiz attempts to place you on a spectrum based on your responses. While it may not be 100% accurate, it provides a general categorization of your political views. Give it a try!

With this quiz, you can discover where you stand on the left-right and authoritarian-libertarian axes. If you're curious or undecided, why not take the test?

What Do the Terms in the Result Table Mean?

Overview of Political Compass Terms
LeftSupports government intervention, wealth redistribution, and social welfare.
RightFavors free markets, limited government, and individual entrepreneurship.
AuthoritarianEmphasizes order, tradition, and centralized control.
LibertarianAdvocates for personal freedoms, civil liberties, and minimal state interference.

Are Online Political Compass Quizzes Accurate?

No online political compass quiz is 100% reliable and accurate in all cases. However, our quizzes are based on widely accepted political theories, and many users have found the results to have meaningful reference value.

Your political views are important, and understanding them is a step toward engaging in a more informed and active society.

Political Compass Test Result Reference Table

Note: After completing the test, read the instructions below to better understand your results.

The quadrant where your result falls describes your current political stance. Details are below:

Top-Left Quadrant: You align with left-wing ideologies and support authoritarian policies. You believe in government intervention to address social and economic issues.
Top-Right Quadrant: You align with right-wing ideologies and support authoritarian policies. You favor free markets but also value order and tradition.
Bottom-Left Quadrant: You align with left-wing ideologies and support libertarian policies. You advocate for social equality and personal freedoms.
Bottom-Right Quadrant: You align with right-wing ideologies and support libertarian policies. You favor free markets and personal liberties.
Center: Your political views are moderate, balancing aspects of both left and right, as well as authoritarian and libertarian perspectives. You may support a mix of policies from different ideologies.


  1. Sullivan, K., & H. Brown (October 2020) The roles of libertarian and authoritarian values in shaping political ideologies. Personality and Individual Differences
  2. S. Smith, M. Douglas, L. Elliott (January 2017) Libertarian and Authoritarian Values in Political Polarization. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology
  3. M. Johnson, A. Thompson (December 2020) Political ideology and political behavior in the age of populism. European Journal of Political Research
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