OCD Test - Do I have OCD?

OCD is a mental health condition that is not as serious as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder but, like these conditions, causes distressing and disabling behaviors. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is characterized by unwanted thoughts and called obsessions, coupled with ritualistic repetitive behaviors and thoughts known as compulsions.

Are you obsessing over something? Do you check things constantly? Is there an internal battle going on in your head between two thoughts? If so, you might have OCD. But before you freak out, take this test to find out for sure.

Reviewed by Jennifer Schulz, Ph.D., MSW, LSW

What is the OCD Test?

This test is a self-assessment tool that can be used to determine whether you may be suffering from OCD. It is not meant to be a professional diagnosis, but rather a starting point for further assessment and treatment of your symptoms. The test consists of 30 questions. It’s a good idea to answer honestly because otherwise your results might not be accurate

Can I use this test to assess others?

The OCD Test is a simple, fast way to assess your risk for obsessive-compulsive disorder. It’s not intended to be a diagnostic tool, but rather a way to quickly gauge whether you might want to seek counseling or further assessment.

You can use this test with yourself or with others, who may be struggling with OCD symptoms. However, if you are concerned about someone else, it’s best to discuss your concerns with their physician or mental health professional.

Is this online OCD Test reliable?

We have developed our online OCD test with the guidance of qualified mental health professionals and based on established diagnostic criteria for OCD. While we have taken great care to ensure the reliability of our test, it is important to note that online tests cannot replace a clinical evaluation by a qualified mental health professional. Our test is intended for screening purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for seeking professional help if you have concerns about OCD or any other mental health condition.

What causes OCD?

The exact cause of OCD is not scientifically confirmed, but it appears to be a combination of biological, environmental, and psychological factors.

Some possible causes include:

  • High levels of the hormone serotonin
  • Differences in the brain’s structure and activity between people with OCD and those who don’t have it
  • A family history of obsessive-compulsive disorder
  • A lack of certain vitamins or minerals (such as iron or zinc)

Defining Features of OCD

Contamination OCD

Contamination OCD is a type of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder that revolves around thoughts and feelings of contamination. People with this type of OCD worry that they, or other people or animals, have been contaminated in some way. This could be by germs, dirt, chemicals, or even radiation.

People with contamination OCD often feel extreme disgust and revulsion at the thought of being contaminated, and may experience intense anxiety when they think about touching something dirty or coming into contact with germs. They may also use excessive amounts of hand sanitizer or wipes in order to try and reduce the chances that they will come into contact with anything that could make them sick.

The thing about contamination OCD is that it’s not just about germs—it’s also about fear of being blamed for getting someone else sick. This means that people with contamination OCD often avoid public restrooms and other public places where there are lots of people around.

Pure Obsessional OCD

Pure Obsessional OCD, or “Pure O” OCD, is a subtype of obsessive-compulsive disorder where the person experiences persistent and intrusive thoughts, often without visible physical compulsions. These intrusive thoughts can be deeply distressing, involving fears of harm, contamination, or moral transgressions, but unlike other forms of OCD, the compulsions are primarily mental.

Instead of engaging in physical rituals like hand-washing or checking, individuals with Pure O may perform mental rituals, such as ruminating on a thought repeatedly, mentally checking or reassuring themselves, or silently repeating certain phrases to alleviate the anxiety triggered by these obsessions.

Although these compulsions are not outwardly visible, they can be just as disruptive and exhausting as physical compulsions. The thoughts and mental rituals can become so consuming that they interfere with daily life, often leading to feelings of guilt, shame, and isolation.

“Just Right” OCD

Just Right OCD is a type of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder that causes people to feel like they have to do something perfectly or else something bad will happen. People with this type of OCD usually have to repeat an action over and over again, or do it a specific number of times. For example, someone with Just Right OCD might need to tap their foot three times before going into a room.

People with Just Right OCD can often be seen as perfectionists because they want things done right. However, this isn’t the case. People who are perfectionists are able to stop themselves from continuing to do something after they’ve finished it perfectly or correctly the first time; perfectionists can also accept when something is not perfect and move on without feeling any urge to fix it.

People with Just Right OCD don’t have these abilities—they feel like if one thing doesn’t go perfectly, then everything will fall apart. They may also experience anxiety about any mistakes that happen during the day (even if they didn’t cause them).

Sexual orientation OCD

Sexual orientation OCD is a type of OCD in which you obsess about your sexual orientation. You might be afraid that you’re gay, or you might think you’re heterosexual but feel guilty about it. You might be attracted to the same sex and think that it’s wrong.

As with all types of OCD, the fear is irrational—there’s no reason to believe that homosexuality is wrong or bad. But that doesn’t stop your brain from thinking otherwise.

In this case, the obsession isn’t just about whether or not you’re gay or straight—it’s also about what other people will think if they find out. You may fear being disowned by friends and family, or you may worry that they’ll think less of you because of your orientation.

Harm OCD

When you have Harm OCD, you’re obsessed with the idea that you will cause harm to someone else. This can be a family member, a friend, or just about anyone else. The thought process behind your Harm OCD is that if you don’t do something perfectly, then they’ll get hurt—or worse.

If you have Harm OCD, it might seem like all of your actions are based on this idea of preventing harm. You might constantly check to make sure that everything is safe for others and for yourself. You might also worry about what other people think about you and try to keep them happy at all costs, even if it means putting yourself in danger or making yourself unhappy.

Harm OCD is often associated with other mental health conditions like depression and anxiety disorders because people who suffer from it often feel depressed or anxious about their behavior. In fact, some people with Harm OCD are so afraid of causing harm that they become suicidal.

Symmetry OCD

Symmetry OCD is a condition in which a person becomes obsessed with symmetry, or the idea that things should be balanced. For example, they might notice that the numbers on their hands are uneven and start to feel anxiety or discomfort until they can adjust them so that they are even.

People with this condition can also have a difficult time dealing with situations where they feel their physical body or their environment isn’t symmetrical. This can cause them to have difficulty sleeping at night if their room isn’t perfectly symmetrical (for example), or it might cause them to avoid social interactions because they feel uncomfortable when people aren’t standing up straight.

In order for someone to be diagnosed with Symmetry OCD, their symptoms must impair their daily functioning and cause them significant distress.


  1. J. Gibson Henderson Jr., C. Alec Pollard (September 1988) Three types of obsessive compulsive disorder in a community sample. Wiley Online Library
  2. Science Writing, Press, and Dissemination Branch (29 June 2006) Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. National Institutes of Health (NIH)
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