Negative Parenting Test

Are you harboring hurt inside yourself from the way your parents treated you? Does it seem inconsequential that your mother didn't hug you enough when you were a child? Is it really such a big deal that your father wasn't around as much as you wanted him to be? Uh, duh. Of course it is! Parental emotional neglect and abuse can have a devastating effect on how we form our own families.

This quiz is designed to help you figure out if your parenting style is negative. Answer each question and see if you score high on the negative test.

Reviewed by Jennifer Schulz, Ph.D., MSW, LSW

What is the Negative Parenting Test?

The Negative Parenting Test is a tool used to assess how your parents have treated you. It's a simple test that asks questions about how your parents have acted towards you, and then assigns a score based on the results. The test is designed to help you understand how your parents have affected your life and how they continue to affect it now.

Can I use the Negative Parenting Test to evaluate any parents?

The Negative Parenting Test (NPT) is a tool that measures how much negativity and criticism the parents of a child tend to use in their interactions. It can be used to evaluate any parent, but it's particularly useful in situations where there are concerns about parenting practices or the quality of the parent-child relationship.

The NPT can be administered in one of two ways: either by asking questions about your own parenting style or by having someone else observe your interactions with your child (such as an educator).

Detailed Explanation of Each Negative Parenting Personality Trait


Deprivation is a parenting style that involves limiting children's experience and freedom. This style can be very harmful to a child, as it does not allow the child to experience the world around them in a positive way. It also takes away their sense of personal agency, making them feel helpless and unable to make decisions for themselves or act independently.

This type of parenting is often seen in families with authoritarian parents who believe they are doing what is best for their children by restricting their freedoms. These types of parents tend to be very controlling and do not allow their children any room for autonomy or self-determination.

In these cases, children may be deprived of opportunities for play, creativity, exploration and education by being forced to remain at home instead of going outside to play or attend school with other kids their age. They may also be denied access to technology such as computers or smartphones which would allow them better access to information about things like science or history than they would otherwise get from books alone (or even just TV shows).

Deprivation can also come from not having access to something that would make you feel good or fulfill your needs or desires. For example, if someone has been deprived of love and attention since childhood, they may struggle to connect with other people as adults because they never learned how to receive love and attention from others.


Over-protection refers to a person's tendency to be overprotective of others. Over-protection is considered a negative personality trait because it can prevent those who are being overprotected from learning the skills they need to succeed in life and make their own decisions.

Over-protectiveness refers to the tendency to be excessively concerned with the well-being of others. It is a common parenting style and may be seen in both parents as well as children. However, it is most commonly associated with mothers, who often act as caretakers for their children.

Over-protectiveness occurs when a parent or guardian feels that they must take on all responsibility for another person's safety and well-being. They may view themselves as responsible for the happiness and success of their children, even into adulthood. This can lead them to make decisions for their child that they should not be making themselves because it could cause them harm or cause them problems later in life.

For example, if your parent always tells you what clothes to wear because they think they know what looks better on you than you do yourself then they are probably overprotective (and maybe disinterested in your preferences).

In general, over-protection causes children not only to be unable to handle stress later in life but also makes it harder for them to learn how to solve problems on their own because they've never had the chance.


Punishing is a negative parenting style. It involves the use of negative consequences, such as time-out, to teach children that certain behaviors are not acceptable. This style of parenting is often used when parents are frustrated and feel they have no other options.

Punishing can be helpful if it is used sparingly and in small doses. However, it can also be harmful to children if they feel like they are constantly being punished for minor infractions or mistakes. This can cause children to feel stressed and anxious, which can lead to more behavioral problems down the road.

When people are punished by their parents, they may feel angry or upset because they feel like they have been treated unfairly. They might feel like their parent doesn't care about them anymore or that the parent doesn't trust them anymore either! This can make children feel sad or lonely too! Punishing can also hurt children's self esteem because it makes them think that they are bad people or that there's something wrong with them if their parents keep on doing this kind of thing over and over again.


Over-control is a term that describes a parenting style where the parent is constantly trying to control their child's behavior. It's more than just setting boundaries, it's about keeping children on guard at all times and making sure they aren't doing anything wrong.

Parents who use this style of parenting tend to feel like they need to be involved in every aspect of their children's lives—from what they do after school, to how they spend their weekends, and even what they wear. They often want to know where their children are going, why they are going there, and who they're with.

They tend to be very judgmental of others' actions, especially when those actions don't meet their standards of how things should be done. They are also likely to assume responsibility for problems that arise instead of blaming others or waiting for someone else to fix them (even though they might complain about it).

Over-control may seem like a good idea at first because it helps keep kids safe and makes them feel secure, but in reality it can have negative effects on children's development as well as their self-esteem. The constant monitoring can lead kids to feel like they can never make mistakes or experiment with new ideas without being reprimanded by their parents.


Rejection is the act of turning down, refusing to accept or acknowledge something. Rejection is often experienced as a result of not being chosen or accepted by others. The feeling of rejection can be painful and lead to feelings of shame and low self-esteem. When someone's self-worth is based on how much they are accepted by others, rejection can be devastating.

Rejection is a natural part of life; everyone experiences it at some point in their lives. But if you have been rejected repeatedly or if you have experienced a series of rejections in your life, then it could be affecting your self-esteem and sense of worthiness.

If you have been rejected by friends, family members or romantic partners, it may be time to take a step back from those relationships so that you can heal from the pain that rejection has caused you. Often people who experience this type of rejection will hold onto the hope that things will change one day and that they'll get back together with their loved ones again someday soon.


Overindulgence is a parenting style that involves giving children everything they want, as well as providing them with too much protection. It's a type of permissive parenting, and it can be harmful to kids because it teaches them that they don't have to work hard or do anything for themselves.

Overindulgent parents aren't strict enough to provide structure and boundaries, but they're not permissive either—they're just very indulgent. When it comes to parenting styles, this one is on the extreme end of the spectrum.

In many cases, overindulgent parents are also neglectful. They may not be around as much as their kids need them to be, or they may not know how to set boundaries for their kids when they do spend time together.

Overindulgent parents are often guilty of spoiling their kids too much and giving in to their demands without considering the consequences of doing so. This can lead kids down a path towards narcissism, where they feel entitled and superior over other people because they have been spoiled by their parents all their lives.


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  3. Sofie Kuppens, Hans Grietens, P. Onghena, D. Michiels (2009) Associations between parental control and children's overt and relational aggression.. The British journal of developmental psychology
  4. M. Bakermans-Kranenburg, Marinus H. van IJzendoorn (2017) Protective parenting: neurobiological and behavioral dimensions.. Current opinion in psychology
  5. N. Winner, Bonnie C. Nicholson (2018) Overparenting and Narcissism in Young Adults: The Mediating Role of Psychological Control. Journal of Child and Family Studies
  6. M. Thomasgard, W. P. Metz (1993) Parental overprotection revisited. Child Psychiatry and Human Development
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