Likeable Person Test

The Likeable Personality Test is a psychological test developed by the Arealme team. This test collects and analyzes attractive qualities in work, study, and social life, and describes the results through ten relatively independent personality dimensions, so as to help understand your particular character strengths.

Want to know what attractive character traits you have, and what advantages your positive traits can bring to you? Empathy, kindness, humor, reliability, positivity, honesty, friendliness, happiness, generosity, openness... Just answer according to your true thoughts and your actual situation in real life, and the likeable personality test will give you the answer! What are you waiting for, come and try it out!

What is the Likeable Personality Test?

The Likeable Personality Test has 42 questions to help us discover your most likeable personality traits. We have a list of traits below for you to read. From your answers, we will, together with our unique radar chart, piece together your likeable personality.

Can I use the Likeable Personality Test to evaluate others?

Of course, you can answer each question based on how you believe the test taker would behave. If your answer to a specific question is uncertain, you may need to make a subjective guess. The more guesses you make, the lower the accuracy and credibility. Additionally, the behavior you are testing is based only on what you know about this person, so it may only be accurate to a certain degree.

It can be an interesting way to see your perception of others. They may even want to take the test for you. You can share your results with each other and see how well you both did. Of course, unless you are taking the test yourself, any answers guessed by someone else won’t always be accurate. But it’s a fun exercise to do with friends or family. See how well they know you and how well you know them, making this test a fun sharing experience!

Detailed Explanation of Each Likeable Personality Trait


Empathy allows you to understand and share the feelings of others. You are able to connect deeply with people because you genuinely care about their emotions and experiences. Your ability to listen and provide comfort makes you someone others turn to in times of need. Through your empathy, you create strong bonds and foster meaningful relationships.


Kindness is your ability to be friendly, generous, and considerate. You perform acts of kindness without expecting anything in return, which makes you genuinely likeable. Your thoughtful gestures and caring nature make others feel valued and appreciated. You spread positivity and warmth wherever you go, and people are naturally drawn to your kind spirit.


Humor is your gift of making others laugh and feel at ease. You have a knack for seeing the lighter side of life and using humor to diffuse tense situations. Your ability to bring joy and laughter into any setting makes you incredibly likeable. People enjoy being around you because you make them feel happy and relaxed.


Reliability means being dependable and trustworthy. People can count on you to be there for them and to follow through on your commitments. Your consistent and reliable nature builds trust and respect among your peers. You are seen as a rock in your relationships, someone who can be relied upon no matter the circumstances.


Positivity is your ability to maintain an optimistic outlook and spread good energy. You see the good in every situation and encourage others to do the same. Your positive attitude is contagious and lifts the spirits of those around you. By focusing on the bright side of life, you create an uplifting and enjoyable environment for everyone.


Honesty is your commitment to being truthful and transparent. You value integrity and always strive to be genuine in your interactions. Your honesty builds trust and respect, making people feel secure in their relationships with you. You are seen as a person of strong moral character, and this earns you the admiration of others.


Friendliness is your warm and welcoming demeanor. You make others feel comfortable and included with your open and approachable nature. Your friendly attitude helps you form connections quickly and effortlessly. People are drawn to your sociable and engaging personality, making you a cherished friend and companion.


Happiness is your ability to be content and joyful. You radiate happiness and make others feel good in your presence. Your cheerful disposition and positive outlook on life are infectious, creating a pleasant atmosphere wherever you go. People appreciate your happy nature and enjoy spending time with you because you bring joy into their lives.


Generosity is your willingness to give your time, effort, or resources to help others. You are selfless and always ready to lend a hand when needed. Your generous actions make a significant impact on those around you, and people appreciate your altruism. You create a sense of community and support through your generous spirit.


Openness is your readiness to embrace new ideas and experiences. You are open-minded and flexible, willing to adapt to different situations and perspectives. Your openness makes you approachable and easy to talk to, as people feel they can share their thoughts and ideas with you without judgment. This trait fosters creativity and innovation in your relationships and endeavors.


  1. Jessica A Wortman, D. Wood (June 2011) The personality traits of liked people. Journal of Research in Personality
  2. D. Szczygieł, Moïra Mikolajczak (May 2018) Is It Enough to Be an Extrovert to Be Liked? Emotional Competence Moderates the Relationship Between Extraversion and Peer-Rated Likeability. Frontiers in Psychology
  3. Jessie Sun, Becky Neufeld, Paige Snelgrove, S. Vazire (July 2020) Personality evaluated: What do people most like and dislike about themselves and their friends?. Journal of personality and social psychology
  4. Sonia Roccas, L. Sagiv, S. Schwartz, A. Knafo (October 2002) The Big Five Personality Factors and Personal Values. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin
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