Gintama Trivia Quiz

How Sharp Are Your Detective Eyes?

Gintama is the reality after dreams are shattered, but itโ€™s also the reality of burning passion that canโ€™t be cooled. Its mature worldview makes the story rich and multi-dimensional. Behind the laughter, tears, and warmth after conflicts lies the vibrant energy of the Gintama universe. Holding onto your beliefs and protecting those who matterโ€”isnโ€™t that what we all strive for? May Gintoki achieve what he seeks, and may Gintama never end.

The characters in Gintama are like old classmates from a graduation yearbook. You donโ€™t think of them often, but theyโ€™re impossible to forget.

Anime and MangaAnimeGintamaJapanMangaTrivia
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