Gay Test

Am I Gay, Straight, or Bisexual? Take this quiz to find out now!

Scientists define sexual orientation as a spectrum that covers a wide range of sexual preferences and identities that can evolve over time. Many people do not explore or confirm their true sexual orientation until they are in their 30s! Do you wonder if you’re straight, bisexual, gay, or another orientation? Take the gay test to get a better understanding of your sexual orientation!

Answer the questions truthfully and this may help you learn more about your sexual orientation.

Disclaimer: For users under the age of 18, the results of this evaluation are not applicable.

Reviewed by Dr. Rebecca Perdomo

FAQ and Fun Facts


LetterFull WordMeaning
LLesbianA lesbian is a homosexual woman. It means a woman is sexually/romantically/emotionally attracted to women.
GGayIf someone is gay that means they are homosexual. While this used to refer predominantly to homosexual men it can also include people of other genders. Gay describes an individual who is sexually/romantically/emotionally attracted to their same gender.
BBisexual (Bi)A bisexual person is sexually/romantically attracted to both women and men.
TTransgenderTransgender people have a gender identity/expression that differs from the sex that they were assigned at birth.
QQueerQueer is sometimes used as an umbrella term for the LGBT community, or people that are not cisgender (Cisgender people are people whose gender identity and expression match the sex they were assigned at birth). Queer was originally used as an insult against the LGBT community. But, beginning in the late-80s, LGBTIQ activists began to reclaim the word. However, the term is still sometimes used offensively.
QQuestioningThe term questioning refers to those who are unsure of or still exploring their gender identity or sexual orientation.
IIntersexIntersex refers to those who exhibit a variation in sex characteristics, including chromosomes that do not allow an individual to be distinctly identified as male or female.
AAsexualAsexuality is a complex term referring to individuals who may feel little or no sexual attraction to others. Asexual people may still engage in sexual activity or fantasies. There is a spectrum of asexuality and not one single definition.
AAllyAn Ally is a person is a friend and supporter of the LGBTQ+ community.
PPansexualPansexuality, or omnisexuality, is sexual attraction, romantic love, or emotional attraction toward people of any sex or gender identity.
GQGender QueerGender Queer is an umbrella term for gender identities that are not exclusively masculine or feminine - identities that lie outside of the gender binary.
GVGender VariantGender variance, or gender nonconformity, is the behavior by an individual that does not match masculine and feminine gender norms. People who exhibit gender variance may be called gender variant.

Gay Test taken by OS breakdown

OSGay Test %Diff %
Chrome OS9.42%2.56%+268%

Explanation: The data above indicates the % users of each device are taking this gay test compared to the % of total users of (who’re taking our all tests and quizzes) - the greater the diff% number is, the higher possibility the users with that device are gay. Not sure but at least by our guess :)

US LGBT Demographics

  • LGBT Gender Ratio: Male 42% vs Female 58%.
  • 25% of LGBT people have an income of less than $24K.
  • 4.5% of the total population identifies as LGBT.
  • 28% of LGBT individuals have children.

Top 10 and Last 10 LGBT states in US:[a]

1District Of Columbia9.80%1North Dakota2.70%
4Massachusetts5.40%4South Dakota3.00%
8New York5.10%8Wyoming3.30%
10New Hampshire4.70%10Mississippi3.50%

Gay Test taken by country/territory breakdown[b][c]

CountryGay %[d]
🇺🇸 United States18.84%
🇧🇷 Brazil18.83%
🇵🇭 Philippines18.76%
🇬🇧 United Kingdom18.60%
🇩🇪 Germany18.58%
🇨🇦 Canada18.46%
🇳🇱 Netherlands18.20%
🇭🇰 Hong Kong18.15%
🇦🇺 Australia17.86%
🇮🇩 Indonesia17.84%
🇸🇪 Sweden17.65%
🇦🇹 Austria17.65%
🇯🇵 Japan17.47%
🇳🇿 New Zealand17.44%
🇮🇸 Iceland17.44%
🇱🇺 Luxembourg17.23%
🇮🇹 Italy17.20%
🇨🇿 Czechia17.10%
🇷🇴 Romania16.78%
🇹🇭 Thailand16.66%
🇵🇱 Poland16.60%
🇹🇷 Turkey16.59%
🇰🇷 South Korea16.20%
🇩🇰 Denmark16.10%
🇮🇳 India16.04%
🇪🇸 Spain15.93%
🇲🇽 Mexico15.75%
🇺🇦 Ukraine15.69%
🇫🇷 France15.43%
🇬🇷 Greece15.23%
🇨🇭 Switzerland15.23%
🇲🇾 Malaysia14.96%
🇵🇹 Portugal14.94%
🇧🇪 Belgium14.90%
🇫🇮 Finland14.75%
🇿🇦 South Africa14.24%
🇳🇴 Norway13.84%
🇭🇺 Hungary13.77%
🇭🇷 Croatia13.76%
🇮🇱 Israel13.70%
🇮🇪 Ireland13.46%
🇸🇬 Singapore13.35%
  1. The full US demographics data can be retrieved at The Williams Institute, UCLA. PDF file and interactive charts
  2. Source: Anonymously from Google Analytics / Wikipedia. 9% sampled from 500K visitors, as of Feb 2024
  3. The stats may NOT be able to represent the demographics data because of the “Survivorship bias” theory.
  4. The percentage indicates the proportion of test takers who received a result of more than 50% in “Gay” or “Bisexual”.

More about the Gay Test

You may be taking this quiz because you want to know “how do I know what my sexual orientation is?” You can broadly use the categories discussed here to get a better understanding of where you may fall on the spectrum of sexuality and to better understand the various types of sexual orientations. That said whether you identify as gay, straight, bisexual, or something else (e.g. pansexual, demisexual), is up to you and depends on who you feel most attracted to romantically and sexually. People tend to begin having feelings of attraction to their desired gender in middle childhood or early adolescence, but who you are attracted to may also change over time.

The most important thing to remember about this gay test is that it cannot define your sexual orientation for you. Only you can decide how you identify, and you do not need to label yourself one way or another – labels are tools to help you make sense of and understand your identity. Additionally, sexual orientation is more fluid than what this quiz can appropriately capture. If you are here because you are questioning your sexual orientation, we recommend looking into various resources (e.g. Trevor Project, Planned Parenthood) from LGBTQ+-supporting organizations to learn more about what sexual orientation means.

This quiz offers insight into whether you might have tendencies that align with various sexual orientations. Sexual orientation is different from sex and from gender identity.

Ultimate guide of concepts in the Gay Test

Sex refers to your biological sex that you were assigned at birth (e.g. male, female, intersex).

Intersex refers to those whose sexual or reproductive anatomies do not fall under the typical definitions of male or female. People who are intersex may identify as men, women, or non-binary genders.

Sexual orientation refers to who it is that you are romantically and/or sexually attracted to. It also goes deeper than this and includes people who you form strong emotional or mental bonds with. You do not have to be certain of your sexual orientation or pick a label.

Questioning describes individuals who are working to understand their sexual orientation or their gender identity. People who are questioning may continue doing this throughout their lives or may eventually identify with a specific orientation or identity.

Gender identity refers to the gender with which you identify. These typically involve man, woman, and non-binary genders. To better understand gender, it is important to understand that the gender binary, which assumes that the only two genders are men and women, is limited in scope and fails to recognize and account for the various gender identities that can exist.

Non-binary describes individuals whose gender identities go beyond the binary categories of “man” and “woman” such as gender non-conforming, gender-fluid, or genderqueer. Some transgender individuals identify as non-binary as well.

Gender non-conforming describes those who do not adhere to traditional ideas and stereotypes about how they should look and act based on their biological sex.

Gender-fluid describes those whose gender identity may change over time.

Genderqueer describes those whose gender identity does not adhere to and is not represented by the gender binary (man or woman).

Transgender individuals are those whose biological sex is different than their gender identity.

Sexual orientations typically include, but are not limited to, gay and lesbian (e.g. attraction only to your same gender), straight (e.g. attraction only to a binary gender opposite yours), or another sexual orientation which can include bisexual (e.g. you are attracted to men and women), pansexual (e.g. you are attracted to people regardless of their gender), demisexual (e.g. you are only attracted to individuals you have formed a close emotional bond with, regardless of physical characteristics) and beyond.

Note that while the term gay formerly described only men who were attracted to men it can also be used to refer to anyone who is predominantly or only attracted to their own gender. The term lesbian generally refers to women who are mostly or only attracted to other women. The bisexual, pansexual, and demisexual categories are included as one group for the purposes of this quiz because their definitions broadly involve attraction to more than one gender. Still, they are distinct from one another and are different points along the same spectrum of sexual fluidity. You do not have to belong to any specific category.

More facts behind the Gay Test

This quiz does not include asexual or aromantic individuals as their own category because this identity is deeply nuanced and can overlap with sexual orientation. For example, there are different categories of asexuality wherein some may engage in sexual fantasies or acts and others do not. Additionally, the categories included in this quiz (straight, gay/lesbian, and bisexual/pansexual/demisexual) can fall under distinct enough definitions that they typically do not overlap, whereas someone can be both gay and asexual or aromantic.

You may be wondering – “what if I have never had a physical or romantic interaction with someone of my same gender?” That is okay! You do not need to have done so to recognize and be cognizant of who you are attracted to. Keep in mind that your sexual orientation also refers to who you have strong emotional, mental, or romantic attraction to and bonds with. Think about those you have had crushes on over the years. Are they your same gender? Another gender? Do you notice any patterns in what gender you are most commonly attracted to? Answering these questions can help you determine your sexual orientation.

If you believe you may be gay, bisexual, demisexual, pansexual, or another sexual orientation, you may benefit from seeking out LGBTQ+ resources and informing yourself about how to get connected with your community. Doing so can help you if you find yourself struggling with your sexual orientation or if you are looking to enhance where you are. This can help you if you are ready to meet new people and maybe even become an activist within the LGBTQ+ community. LGBTQ+ nonprofit organizations can help with therapy and counseling options if you are seeking that out, others may help you address sexual health questions or concerns, while others may be youth focused. Take some time to do a quick internet search to learn more.

Although much progress has been made over the last thirty years, for example same-sex marriage finally became legal in all 50 states after a 2015 supreme court ruling, the LGBTQ+ community has faced decades of prejudice and discrimination. Prejudice is defined as unjust or incorrect attitudes (typically negative) towards a person based on their membership in a social group while discrimination is (typically negative) behavior towards a person based on their membership in a social group. If you do identify as a member of the LGBTQ+ community, it is important to know your rights. There are laws in place to protect you from said prejudice and discrimination.

Reaching out and finding support groups, online forums, and non-profit support organizations is a great way to learn, feel encouraged and find community – even if you live somewhere where not everyone is accepting of the LGBTQ+ community. Support groups are a great way to meet people who have had similar experiences and connect with others who can offer understanding and encouragement. It is also a great way to make lifelong friends and meet mentors. Online forums are another great way to connect with others who are sharing their stories. You may engage with someone halfway across the world who is feeling a lot of things similar to what you are feeling and that can help you get through it knowing you are not alone. After completing the quiz, simply scroll down to the 'Load Comments' section to leave your message and join the conversation.

Is this online Gay Test reliable?

Please note that the gay test is mainly for entertainment purposes, even if it’s reviewed by experts. There is simply no medical test for sexual orientation. Any other online tests that claim to be medically accurate are false.

Our assertion is grounded in scientific evidence: research by Schrimshaw et al. (2006) on the test–retest reliability of self-reported sexual behavior, sexual orientation, and psychosexual milestones among gay, lesbian, and bisexual youths found substantial reliability across several domains, including sexual behavior, sexual identity, and sexual orientation, when assessed through interviewer-administered questionnaires (Schrimshaw, Rosario, Meyer-Bahlburg, & Scharf-Matlick, 2006). However, this study does not directly address the online tests in question but suggests that self-reported sexual information can be reliably assessed under certain conditions.

Furthermore, studies on attitudes toward homosexuality and the development of scales to measure these attitudes, such as those by Kite & Deaux (1986) and Pain & Disney (1996), focus on assessing attitudes rather than determining sexual orientation through online tests (Kite & Deaux, 1986); (Pain & Disney, 1996).

In summary, while there is evidence that self-reported sexual orientation and behaviors can be reliably assessed under certain research conditions, the reliability and validity of online “gay tests” are not directly addressed in the scientific literature. It is important to approach such online tests with caution, as they may not be based on rigorous scientific methods or validated measures. The best approach to understanding one’s sexual orientation is through self-reflection and, if needed, discussions with a qualified mental health professional, rather than relying on online tests.


  1. Bonnie Ruberg (October 1998) Data for queer lives: How LGBTQ gender and sexuality identities challenge norms of demographics. Sage Journals
  2. Conron, Kerith, J Goldberg, Shoshana K (Jul 1, 2019) Adult LGBT Population in the United States. UCLA: The Williams Institute
  3. Eric W. Schrimshaw M.A., Margaret Rosario Ph.D., Heino F. L. Meyer-Bahlburg Dr. rer. nat. & Alice A. Scharf-Matlick Ph.D. (20 April 2006) Test–Retest Reliability of Self-Reported Sexual Behavior, Sexual Orientation, and Psychosexual Milestones Among Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Youths. Springer Link
  4. Mary E Kite, Day Deaux (June 1986) Attitudes Toward Homosexuality: Assessment and Behavioral Consequences. Basic and Applied Social Psychology
RelationshipsGenderLGBTQ+LoveRelationshipsSexual OrientationSexualityTop 30
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