DISC Personality Test

Discover Your DISC Personality Traits: Are You Dominant, Influential, Steady, or Conscientious — Or a Mix?

Welcome to the DISC Personality Test! Curious about what drives you or how you relate to others? Our quiz evaluates your behaviors, preferences, and attitudes based on the renowned DISC framework—Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness. In just a few minutes, you’ll gain valuable insights into your personality, how to leverage your unique traits for success, and how you operate across four key dimensions: work, people, money, and politics.

Ready to find out more about yourself? Let’s get started!

Reviewed by Dr. Rebecca Perdomo

What does DISC mean?

“DISC” is an acronym that stands for Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness. These four categories are used to evaluate behavior, preferences, and personality traits in various settings, such as the workplace and interpersonal relationships.

What is a good DISC score?

The DISC assessment doesn’t have good or bad scores. The purpose is to understand your dominant traits and how they influence your behavior. The test provides insights that can help you leverage your strengths and understand your weaknesses, both in professional and personal ways.

What is the DISC type test?

The DISC Test originates from the DISC theory introduced by psychologist William Moulton Marston in 1928. Designed to assess four primary behavioral traits—Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness — it has evolved into a widely-used tool for understanding personality and behavior, especially in workplace settings. Various versions exist today, tailored for different applications.

Is DISC test better than 16-Type(MBTI) test?

Neither DISC Test nor 16-Type Test is inherently “better” than the other; they serve different purposes. DISC focuses on behavior and tendencies in specific contexts, making it highly applicable in work settings. 16-Type focuses more on cognitive functioning and inherent preferences. Both can provide valuable insights, depending on what you’re looking to understand.

Can someone’s DISC assessment result change over time?

Personality, including DISC types, can indeed change over time. Research has shown that personality traits are not fixed and can be influenced by a variety of factors including age, major life events, and environmental changes. The impact of these factors can lead to changes in both the mean levels and the stability of personality traits across the lifespan.

For instance, a study on the Big Five Personality Test, which are conceptually related to the DISC model, found that personality changes throughout life, with more pronounced changes during young and old ages. These changes are partly attributable to social demands and experiences, suggesting that personality can evolve in response to life's circumstances (Specht, Egloff, & Schmukle, 2011). Another comprehensive review on personality development concluded that personality traits undergo significant change, especially during young adulthood, and continue to change to some extent in middle and old age (Roberts, Walton, & Viechtbauer, 2006).

What is the most common personality type in DISC?

There is no definitive answer as to which DISC personality type is the “most common” - as it can vary based on various factors including culture, occupation, and other demographics. However, it’s generally noted that Steadiness and Influence traits are often seen in larger proportions in general population studies.

What is the rarest personality type in DISC?

The DISC framework doesn’t specifically highlight a “rarest” personality type. However, it’s generally observed that certain traits, such as high Dominance and high Conscientiousness within the same individual, are less common. The prevalence of traits can also vary depending on the specific population being studied.

What do the DISC colors mean?

In our test and many other versions of the DISC test, colors are used to represent the four main personality types: Red symbolizes Dominance, Yellow represents Influence, Green stands for Steadiness, and Blue indicates Conscientiousness. These colors serve as quick visual aids to understand your or someone else’s dominant traits.

Can I use this test to measure other people like my boss, friends, colleagues and partners?

While the DISC Personality Test is designed to be a self-assessment tool, it can provide valuable insights into the behavior and traits of others if you answer the questions while keeping a specific person in mind. However, it’s important to note that the most accurate results will come from the individual taking the test themselves. If you’d like to understand someone else’s DISC profile, it’s best to invite them to take the test.

How accurate/reliable is this test?

The reliability of the DISC Personality Test can vary depending on the quality of the test design and how honestly the test is taken. In general, DISC is considered a valuable tool for understanding behavioral traits and communication styles, especially in a professional context. However, like any personality test, it should not be used as the sole basis for major decisions or judgments about a person. For the most accurate and reliable results, it’s recommended to take the test from a reputable source and to answer all questions as honestly as possible.

DISC Traits Unveiled: An In-Depth Guide


Archetype: Leader

As a Dominance-oriented individual, you value control, challenges, and achievement. You strive for success and have little patience for inefficiency or indecisiveness. Results-driven and goal-oriented, you often find yourself in positions of authority and leadership.

Your need for independence fuels your ambition, and you are comfortable taking calculated risks to achieve your objectives. You’re direct, decisive, and tend to prioritize tasks over relationships when making decisions.

In work settings, you often take the lead on projects, preferring to set the pace and direction. In personal relationships, you value honesty and direct communication, often seeing this as the most efficient way to resolve conflicts.


People with Dominance traits are excellent at driving initiatives, making quick decisions, and inspiring teams to action. They excel in challenging situations that require strong leadership.


They can sometimes come across as overly aggressive or insensitive to others’ feelings. Their focus on the end goal might make them overlook interpersonal dynamics.


Archetype: Socializer

As an Influence-oriented individual, you thrive on social interactions, networking, and collaboration. You’re enthusiastic, persuasive, and enjoy being at the center of attention.

Your outgoing nature often makes you the life of the party, and you have an innate ability to inspire and motivate others. You prefer environments that are dynamic and allow for personal expression.

In both your professional and personal life, you prioritize relationships and enjoy bringing people together. You excel at public speaking, sales, and other roles that require strong interpersonal skills.


People with Influence traits are great motivators and excellent at building and maintaining relationships. They often have extensive networks and can negotiate effectively.


They may struggle with tasks that require close attention to detail and may sometimes be perceived as too talkative or not serious enough.


Archetype: Supporter

As a Steadiness-oriented person, you value stability, patience, and harmony. You strive to maintain a balanced and peaceful environment, both at work and in your personal life.

You are often the glue that holds teams together, providing consistent support and a calm presence in stressful situations. You’re empathetic and understanding, making you a great listener and a trusted confidant.

In your professional life, you excel in roles that require teamwork, patience, and strong interpersonal skills. In personal relationships, you’re dependable, loyal, and make an effort to understand and accommodate the needs of others.


Steadiness traits make for excellent team players and reliable partners. They are great at fostering a sense of community and can be counted on in challenging times.


They can sometimes be resistant to change or new ideas and may have difficulty asserting themselves or making quick decisions.


Archetype: Analyst

As a Conscientiousness-oriented individual, you value accuracy, attention to detail, and logic. You are most comfortable in environments where you can work independently to solve problems and analyze information.

Your strong sense of responsibility and high standards often make you the go-to person for quality control in both professional and personal settings. You prefer planning and structure, and are often meticulous in your approach to tasks.

In professional settings, you excel in roles that require deep concentration, analytical skills, and precision. In your personal relationships, you value intellectual engagement and tend to appreciate others who share your thirst for knowledge.


Conscientiousness traits are essential for roles that require accuracy and precision. They are often the detail-oriented members of a team who ensure that projects are completed to the highest standard.


They may struggle in highly social or rapidly changing environments and can sometimes be seen as overly critical or indecisive due to their analytical nature.

Fictional Characters Analyzed by DISC Personality Test

CharacterDominance (D)Influence (I)Steadiness (S)Conscientiousness (C)
Harry Potter20302525
Sherlock Holmes40201030
James Bond40351015
Spider Man25352020
Luke Skywalker25302520
Frodo Baggins15204025
Hermione Granger20252035
Iron Man35351020
Wonder Woman30302515
Katniss Everdeen35252515
Han Solo40351510
Captain America25303015
Darth Vader40151035
Jon Snow20204020
The Joker35351020
Huckleberry Finn20403010
Naruto Uzumaki30352015
Light Yagami30251035
Edward Elric35302015
Mikasa Ackerman25203520
Sailor Moon20353015
Asuka Langley Soryu35252020
Spike Spiegel35302015
Homura Akemi25202530
Levi Ackerman30153025
Ash Ketchum20353015
Shinji Ikari15253030
Deku (Izuku Midoriya)25352515
Hisoka Morow35351515
This data has been generated through our advanced algorithmic engine, which leverages publicly available information on each character to simulate their responses to our DISC personality test.


  1. Ioanna Lykourentzou, Angeliki Antoniou, Yannick Naudet, Steven P. Dow (February 2016) Personality Matters: Balancing for Personality Types Leads to Better Outcomes for Crowd Teams. CSCW '16
  2. Marston, William Moulton (1928) Emotions Of Normal People. Creative Media Partners, LLC
  3. Jule Specht, B. Egloff, S. Schmukle (2011) Stability and change of personality across the life course: the impact of age and major life events on mean-level and rank-order stability of the Big Five. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
  4. B. Roberts, Kate E. Walton, W. Viechtbauer (2006) Patterns of mean-level change in personality traits across the life course: a meta-analysis of longitudinal studies. Psychological Bulletin
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