Childhood Trauma Quiz

Are you still trapped in past experiences?

Childhood is a critical period, and events during those years can significantly impact one’s emotional and psychological development. Understanding whether you’ve encountered such challenges is the first step toward healing and growth. This quiz encompasses six key dimensions that reflect various forms of childhood adversity. It is crafted with sensitivity and care to help you gently explore your past.

Remember, this is a journey of self-discovery, and there is strength in seeking knowledge and support. Taking this quiz could be the beginning of a new chapter in your life, one where you can acknowledge your past and embrace a future of well-being and fulfillment.

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What is "Childhood Trauma Quiz"?

The Childhood Trauma Quiz is an assessment tool designed to help individuals reflect on their experiences during childhood to identify potential traumatic events or circumstances. It probes into various aspects of one’s early life, such as family dynamics, instances of abuse, neglect, or any other experiences that could have adversely affected one’s psychological development and well-being.

How to Interpret my Childhood Trauma Quiz Results?

When you receive your results from the Childhood Trauma Quiz, take the time to read the detailed introduction that accompanies each module. This will provide you with a greater understanding of what the scores indicate and the context of the questions asked. If your score is below 50 for each module, generally, this suggests that you may not have significant issues in those areas related to childhood trauma.

However, if you find that your score is above 50 for any module, it could be a sign that you have experienced trauma in that area during your childhood. Scores above 50 can suggest that these experiences might be impacting your well-being, and it would be prudent to consider seeking out a psychologist.

If I am a parent or a teacher, can I use Childhood Trauma Quiz to determine whether my child has psychological problems?

As a parent or a teacher, you may use the Childhood Trauma Quiz to gain some insights into certain behaviors or emotional issues that a child might be exhibiting. However, this quiz should not be used as the sole means of diagnosing psychological problems. While it can be a helpful starting point, it is essential to understand that it is not a substitute for professional evaluation. If you suspect that a child is experiencing psychological issues, it is important to consult with a qualified healthcare provider or a child psychologist who can conduct a thorough assessment and provide the necessary care and intervention.

Explanation of each module

Emotional Abuse

Emotional abuse in childhood is characterized by patterns of behavior by parents or caregivers that can seriously interfere with a child’s cognitive, emotional, psychological, or social development. This dimension explores the presence of verbal assaults, threats, constant criticism, or more subtle tactics like manipulation, neglect, or the withholding of affection. A high score in this dimension may indicate that an individual has experienced trauma that impacts their self-worth, emotional well-being, and relationships with others. Emotional abuse can be particularly insidious because it often goes unrecognized, yet it can have long-lasting effects, such as difficulty in forming secure and trusting relationships, chronic self-doubt, and impaired emotional regulation.

Physical Abuse

Physical abuse involves the use of physical force against a child that results in harm. This dimension assesses experiences of hitting, shaking, burning, or other forms of physical harm by a caregiver or adult. It is not limited to injuries that result in physical marks; it also includes harmful actions that may leave more internal than external scars. Individuals who score high in this dimension may struggle with a range of issues, including trust in relationships, feelings of safety, and possibly chronic physical conditions. Physical abuse can lead to heightened aggression or fearfulness, difficulty with authority figures, and an increased risk of engaging in self-harm or aggressive behaviors later in life.

Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse includes any act in which an adult involves a child in sexual activity that the child cannot comprehend or consent to. This dimension measures exposure to inappropriate touching, exposure to sexual acts, or being compelled to participate in sexual behavior. High scores in this area may flag potential trauma that can manifest in varied forms, including intimacy issues, distorted self-image, and complex emotional reactions. Survivors of childhood sexual abuse often face challenges related to trust, sexuality, and self-esteem, and may have an increased risk of re-victimization or experiencing mental health disorders such as PTSD.


Neglect refers to the failure of a caregiver to meet a child’s basic needs, including food, shelter, clothing, education, and medical care. This dimension assesses the extent of neglect an individual may have experienced during their formative years. Significant neglect can lead to long-term psychological and developmental issues, as basic needs are foundational to a child’s growth. Adults who were neglected as children may find it difficult to establish healthy self-care routines, have attachment issues or struggle with feelings of worthlessness or abandonment.

Household Dysfunction

Household dysfunction encompasses the broader family context, including substance abuse, incarceration, mental illness, and domestic violence within the household. This dimension seeks to understand how these factors may have contributed to a chaotic or unsafe home environment. High levels in this area can indicate experiences that may disrupt a child’s sense of security and normal development. Consequences of growing up in a dysfunctional household can include increased risk of substance abuse, adopting maladaptive coping mechanisms, and difficulties in forming stable, healthy relationships.

Systemic Trauma

Systemic trauma involves the chronic social or community issues that can affect children, such as poverty, discrimination, or living in a high-crime area. This dimension explores the impact of these structural factors on a child’s sense of safety and belonging. Children who grow up under systemic trauma may feel marginalized, powerless, or hopeless. They might struggle with societal engagement, have trouble accessing resources, or internalize negative stereotypes, which can affect their long-term life trajectory and mental health.


  1. J. Noll (2008) Sexual abuse of children--unique in its effects on development?. Child Abuse & Neglect
  2. Silvia Bussone, Chiara Pesca, Valentina Casetti, Roberta Croce Nanni, C. Ottaviani, A. Troisi, V. Carola (2023) The long-term impact of early adverse experience on adaptive functioning: a pilot study integrating measures of mental status, nonverbal communication, and heart rate variability. European Journal of Psychotraumatology
  3. Dana Hagele (2005) The impact of maltreatment on the developing child. North Carolina Medical Journal
  4. M. Cleary, Sancia West, L. Mclean, C. Kezelman, S. Karacsony, R. Kornhaber (2018) Connecting past and present: Nurses' role in identifying signs of child sexual abuse in adults and supporting survivors. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing
  5. A. Agorastos (2017) Pathophysiological trajectories and biological consequences of early life trauma. European Journal of Psychotraumatology
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