Are you an NPC?

Ever wonder if you’re the star of your own story or just another background character? Take this quiz to find out if you’re an NPC (Non-Playable Character) or the Main Character of your life. From predictable habits to unique traits, let’s see where you stand in the grand narrative. Score 100, and you’re an NPC through and through; score 0, and you’re the ultimate Main Character

Challenge your friends! Maybe they are NPCs and they need to find that out.

What is the Are You an NPC Quiz?

The Are You an NPC Quiz is a fun, quick, and entertaining way to see if you’re the main character in your life or more of a background player. Just answer a few questions about your habits and personality, and we’ll give you your result in seconds!

We know it can be tough to figure out where you stand in the grand scheme of things. But our quiz can help. It’s designed with a mix of humor and insight, so it’s as engaging and accurate as possible.

It’s also super easy: just answer a few simple questions about how you live your life, and we’ll do the rest! We’ll tell you if you’re the star of the show or if you’ve got some NPC tendencies.

Is this Are You an NPC quiz accurate?

This Are You an NPC Quiz is definitely accurate for a good laugh and some self-reflection, but it won’t capture every nuance of your personality.

You see, everyone has moments when they feel like the main character and other times when they’re more of a background player. This quiz is a fun way to gauge where you might stand most of the time, but it’s not set in stone. People grow, change, and shift between roles depending on the day, their mood, and their environment. So, while the results might resonate with you now, they might be different tomorrow.

That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take it—just keep in mind that an online quiz like this is more of a snapshot than a full story. If you end up feeling like an NPC, don’t stress! Life is full of opportunities to step into the spotlight, and everyone has their own unique way of shining.

Ten Tips For People taking “Are you an NPC” Quiz

  1. Be Honest: Answer the questions truthfully—this quiz is all about self-discovery, so there’s no need to impress anyone!
  2. Embrace the Result: Whether you score 0 or 100, remember that this is all in good fun. There’s no right or wrong way to live your life!
  3. Reflect on Your Choices: As you answer each question, think about how your everyday actions reflect who you are. Maybe you’ll spot some patterns!
  4. Don’t Overthink It: Go with your first instinct. The questions are meant to capture your gut reactions, not what you think you should say.
  5. Share Your Results: Compare your score with friends to see who’s the ultimate main character and who’s happily living the NPC life.
  6. Laugh at Yourself: If you score high on the NPC scale, take it as a sign that you might be a little too comfortable with your routines. It’s okay to laugh about it!
  7. Use It as a Conversation Starter: Your result could be a fun way to start conversations with others about their life perspectives and habits.
  8. Consider Small Changes: If your score reveals some NPC tendencies, think about one small thing you could change to add more spontaneity or excitement to your life.
  9. Celebrate Your Uniqueness: Whether you’re a main character or an NPC, celebrate the traits that make you you. Every story needs both!
  10. Take It Again Later: People change! Take the quiz again in a few months to see if your score shifts as you explore new aspects of your life.
Your “Are you an NPC?” Quiz result:

Try again

You’re an NPC, through and through. You’re consistent, reliable, and probably know exactly where the keys to the castle are—if anyone asks.

You stick to routines like glue, avoid the spotlight, and prefer to follow rather than lead. Change isn’t your thing, and spontaneity? Never heard of her.

Embrace Change: Try shaking up your routine just a little. Start small—like taking a different route home or trying a new hobby. Who knows? You might discover something new about yourself.

Speak Up: Don’t be afraid to share your thoughts and ideas. The world needs more of your unique perspective, even if it’s just recommending a new coffee flavor.

Take a Risk: Say “yes” to something unexpected this week. It might be scary at first, but it could lead to some exciting new experiences.

You’ve got some serious NPC vibes, but there’s a spark of individuality in you that refuses to be fully scripted.

You like the comfort of routines and often find yourself going with the flow, but there’s a part of you that craves a bit of excitement now and then.

Mix It Up: Introduce small changes into your life regularly. It could be as simple as trying a new restaurant or learning a new skill.

Step into the Spotlight: Next time there’s an opportunity to lead or take charge, go for it! It’s a great way to flex those main character muscles.

Express Yourself: Share your ideas and opinions more openly. You have something valuable to contribute, so don’t hold back.

You’ve got a foot in both worlds—sometimes you’re the main character, other times you’re chilling in the background.

You’re a mix of predictable and spontaneous, blending routine with the occasional burst of creativity. You’re comfortable in your role, whether it’s leading or supporting.

Lean Into Your Strengths: Recognize when it’s your moment to shine and take full advantage of it. When it’s not, enjoy the break.

Push the Boundaries: Try stepping out of your comfort zone a bit more often. It’s in those moments of discomfort that real growth happens

Balance with Intention: Continue balancing your life, but do it with purpose. Choose when to be predictable and when to be unpredictable, and enjoy the benefits of both.

You’re just a few plot twists away from being the main character. You’ve got unique traits and often take the lead, but you still have a couple of NPC habits.

You embrace change, seek new experiences, and have a strong sense of self, but you occasionally fall back into the comfort of routine.

Break Free from Routine: Challenge yourself to break any lingering habits that hold you back from being your fullest, most dynamic self.!

Take Bold Actions: When faced with a decision, choose the path that excites you the most, even if it’s the more challenging one.

Own Your Story: Remember, you’re the main character of your life. Act like it—be confident, make bold choices, and let your unique qualities shine.

You’re the star of the show! Life revolves around your story, and you’re always ready for the next adventure. NPCs? They’re just the supporting cast in your epic tale.

You embrace change, thrive on spontaneity, and aren’t afraid to stand out. You’re confident, independent, and fully in control of your narrative.

Don’t lose that adventurous spirit! Keep seeking out new experiences, challenges, and stories to add to your life.

Inspire Others: Use your main character energy to uplift and inspire those around you. Be a leader who encourages others to step into their own spotlight.

Stay Grounded: While it’s awesome to be the main character, remember to stay humble and connected with others. Collaboration can lead to even greater adventures!

NPC tendencies
Almost Main Character
Main Character