Anger Test / Anger Issues Test
2025 UPDATED with 10 Anger Types
Anger is a natural emotion that we all feel. It is healthy to get angry sometimes. However, it becomes unhealthy when we get angry to an extreme or don’t express anger in a healthy manner. Take this quiz to find out if you are expressing your anger in a healthy way.
Not many people like anger, do they? In fact, most people avoid situations that might make them angry. As a result, you may have never been asked if you have anger issues or not, simply because you are too nice to get angry enough for someone to ask. However, there’s a way for you to find out for yourself. All you need to do is take our anger test and find out if there’s room for improvement in your anger management skills!
Anger Is An Energy - John Lydon
- 🔥 New updated version: Now with 6 to 10 anger types and detailed background information and instructions for each type of anger. - Mar 31, 2023
- Fixed a bug that might cause the quiz result not showing up. - Jul 7, 2023