Am I Bisexual Quiz

What if the person who made your heart skip a beat was both a man and a woman at once? That’s where bisexuality comes in! Bisexuality is when someone feels attraction toward more than one gender—usually two genders at once (although some people may only feel attracted to one gender). It’s important to note that bisexuality isn’t just about being attracted to both men and women; it also encompasses other gender identities such as transgendered people (people who identify as neither male nor female), intersex people (people whose physical characteristics don’t fit into).

We all have our own definitions of what it means to be bisexual, and that’s why we created this quiz. We want to help you figure out if your definition of bisexuality matches up with the one in this quiz.

So whether you’ve never been with someone who identifies as LGBTQ+ before, or whether your sexual orientation has changed over time, take this quiz to find out if you’re really bisexual!

Your Bisexuality Level results:

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Totally Bisexual

You can date people of any gender, or people who identify as a certain gender and also date others who identify as that gender. You can date people who don’t identify as any gender at all, or who identify as multiple genders. You can date anyone you want to, even if they don’t fit into any of those boxes. It’s okay if your partner doesn’t fit into any of those boxes either! You might be wondering how this affects your sex life. The answer is: it doesn’t! Your sexuality has nothing to do with how you express yourself sexually or romantically, or whether you’re attracted to one person or many. It’s just an identity label—it doesn’t dictate what kind of person you like having sex with! And here’s the thing: you don’t have to be totally straight or totally gay to be totally bisexual. You just have to be ready for the possibility of dating people of any gender who are also open to dating people from other genders. So if you’re mostly attracted to women, but wouldn’t mind dating a man once in a while—or vice versa—you’re totally bisexual!

Exploratory Bisexual

They may not identify as bisexual at all because they don’t see themselves as being attracted to both genders. They might just be curious and want to try it out, but if they do have a preference for one gender over another, they will probably be more likely to identify as straight or gay/lesbian. Some people aren’t sure whether or not they’re bisexual at all—they may just want to try it out and see what happens. If this is the case for you, there’s no need to stress about labeling yourself as something that you might not be entirely sure of yet!

Alternating Bisexual

An alternating bisexual is an individual who identifies as bisexual and experiences attraction to different genders sequentially, rather than simultaneously. This means their attraction shifts from one gender to another over various periods, rather than feeling attracted to multiple genders at once. Each phase of attraction is exclusive to a particular gender and can change over time. This unique pattern of shifting attractions sets alternating bisexuality apart from other bisexual identities, where individuals might feel simultaneous attractions to more than one gender. Understanding this distinction provides deeper insight into the diverse spectrum of human sexuality.

Emotional Bisexual

Emotional bisexuals are people who have intimate emotional relationships with both men and women, but only have sexual relationships with one gender. This can be confusing, because it seems like they’ve got it all—they’re getting to know multiple people on an emotional level, but not having sex with them. But emotional bisexuality is very real, and it’s important for you to understand what emotional bisexuality means for you and your partner. Emotional bisexuals have a preference for dating partners from one gender or another, just like straight and gay people do. In fact, many people who identify as straight or gay also have some degree of attraction to other genders—so if you think you might be an emotional bisexual, don’t panic! You are definitely not alone!

Probably Straight or Gay

You are a human being. You are a person who is attracted to other people, and you deserve to be treated with respect and dignity as such.You may have been told that you’re “bisexual,” because of the way you feel about some people and not others, but that’s not what it means to be bisexual. Bisexuality means feeling attraction for people of all genders—including men and women—and it’s an identity that is often misconstrued as meaning that you can’t decide which gender you like better. It doesn’t mean that at all! It’s okay if the idea of dating both men and women makes you feel uncomfortable or confused—that’s totally normal! But please don’t let anyone pressure you into identifying as something other than what feels right for YOU. Your sexual orientation exists in your mind, not in the minds of other people.

Totally Bisexual
Exploratory Bisexual
Alternating Bisexual
Emotional Bisexual
Probably Straight or Gay